"" {{{ Directory structure and plugin loading " Configuration for my config organization set directory=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim,~/,/tmp set backupdir=$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vim,~/,/tmp set viminfo+=n$XDG_CACHE_HOME/vim/viminfo set runtimepath=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim,$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/after,$VIM,$VIMRUNTIME,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles let $MYVIMRC="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/main.vim" " Auto-load plugins from $VIMRUNTIME/bundle execute pathogen#infect() " Apply filetype-based indent rules and plugins filetype plugin indent on " Arch comes with some sensible defaults, might as well use them runtime! archlinux.vim " And so does vim itself runtime! defaults.vim " I like reading manpages in vim. runtime! ftplugin/man.vim " Load the matchit plugin (shipped with vim) for jumping to matching #ifs and " #endifs and so on. " Requires vim 8 for :packadd packadd! matchit " romainl's apprentice colorscheme, with a few changes for higher contrast colorscheme apprentice "" }}} "" {{{ Settings set expandtab " expans to spaces set shiftwidth=4 " 4 spaces for autoindent set softtabstop=4 " inserts 4 spaces at a time set autowrite " write before swapping buffers set number " regular line numbers set ttyfast " xterms and linux consoles are fast set ttymouse=sgr " for mouse events in columns >233 set clipboard=unnamed " default to the * register to share with X11 set undolevels=100000 " don't discard my undo tree set undofile " persistent undo tree set completeopt=menuone,noinsert " enter the completion popup, don't insert set cscopequickfix=g-,s- " use quickfix for cscope results set smartcase ignorecase " smartly ignore case in /search set lazyredraw " don't redraw like crazy during macros set browsedir=buffer " :browse the current buffer's directory set cinoptions=:0,t0,(0,m1,+0 " for C, don't indent case statements set list " turn on list mode to show invisible chars set listchars=trail:-,tab:>- " limit list to trailing whitespace and tabs set tildeop " ~ becomes a real operator set conceallevel=1 " conceal things if possible "" }}} "" {{{ Autocmds " :make hooks to display the quickfix window automatically autocmd QuickFixCmdPost [^l]* nested botright cwindow "" }}} "" {{{ Keybindings let mapleader = "-" " Directional split navigation nmap j nmap k nmap h nmap l " Close nmap :bdel " Quickfix and location list navigation nmap ]q :cnext nmap [q :cprev nmap ]Q :clast nmap [Q :cfirst nmap ]l :lnext nmap [l :lprev nmap ]L :llast nmap [L :lfirst nmap :b# vnoremap / /\%V vnoremap ? ?\%V "" }}} "" {{{ Functions " PASTEBIN with pbpst " " Mappings: " p{motion} Paste {motion} lines " pp Paste entire buffer (same as ggpG) " p (Visual) paste selection " " The pastebin URL is stored to the * register. " With +X11, this is shared with the X primary selection (middle click or " shift-insert to paste.) function! Paste(type, ...) " Line-wise ranges if a:type == 'line' || a:type == 'V' || a:type == '%' if a:type == 'line' let start = "'[" " motion lines let end = "']" elseif a:type == 'V' let start = "'<" " visual lines let end = "'>" else let start = 1 " entire file let end = "$" endif let @* = systemlist('pbpst -S 2>/dev/null', getline(start, end))[0] . '/' . &filetype " Character-wise ranges elseif a:type == 'char' || a:type == 'v' if a:type == 'char' let start = "'[" " motion let end = "']" else let start = "`<" " visual let end = "`>" endif let input = getline(start, end) let input[0] = input[0][col(start):] let input[-1] = input[-1][:col(end)-1] let @* = systemlist('pbpst -S 2>/dev/null', input)[0] . '/' . &filetype " Block ranges (not handled) else echoerr "Paste: unsupported selection type: " . a:type endif endfunction nnoremap p :silent set opfunc=Pasteg@ nnoremap pp :call Paste('%') vnoremap p :call Paste(visualmode()) "" }}} "" {{{ etc " Slimv configuration for tmux let g:slimv_browser_cmd = 'tmux split-window -h w3m' let g:rust_conceal = 1 "" }}} " vim:foldmethod=marker:foldlevel=0