# Changing Directories setopt auto_cd setopt auto_pushd setopt pushd_ignore_dups setopt pushd_minus setopt pushd_silent # Completion setopt glob_complete setopt list_packed # Expansion and Globbing unsetopt case_glob setopt extended_glob setopt glob_star_short setopt magic_equal_subst setopt warn_create_global # History setopt hist_fcntl_lock setopt hist_ignore_all_dups setopt hist_reduce_blanks setopt hist_save_no_dups setopt share_history # Input/Output setopt interactive_comments setopt print_exit_value # Job Control setopt auto_continue setopt long_list_jobs # Scripts and Functions setopt c_bases setopt c_precedences setopt local_loops setopt pipe_fail # Shell Emulation setopt csh_junkie_loops # Zle unsetopt beep