path: root/vim/bundle/slimv/slime/swank/scl.lisp
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authorNick Shipp <>2017-05-07 09:04:01 -0400
committerNick Shipp <>2017-05-07 09:04:01 -0400
commitc012f55efda29f09179e921cf148d79deb57616e (patch)
treeff0ad37f22622d51194cab192a2aa4b0106d7ad0 /vim/bundle/slimv/slime/swank/scl.lisp
parent4ca8f6608883d230131f8a9e8b6d6c091c516049 (diff)
Much maturering of vim configs
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/slimv/slime/swank/scl.lisp')
1 files changed, 1726 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/slimv/slime/swank/scl.lisp b/vim/bundle/slimv/slime/swank/scl.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7327133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/slimv/slime/swank/scl.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,1726 @@
+;;; -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; outline-regexp: ";;;;+" -*-
+;;; Scieneer Common Lisp code for SLIME.
+;;; This code has been placed in the Public Domain. All warranties
+;;; are disclaimed.
+(defpackage swank/scl
+ (:use cl swank/backend swank/source-path-parser swank/source-file-cache))
+(in-package swank/scl)
+;;; swank-mop
+(import-swank-mop-symbols :clos '(:slot-definition-documentation))
+(defun swank-mop:slot-definition-documentation (slot)
+ (documentation slot t))
+;;;; TCP server
+;;; SCL only supports the :spawn communication style.
+(defimplementation preferred-communication-style ()
+ :spawn)
+(defimplementation create-socket (host port &key backlog)
+ (let ((addr (resolve-hostname host)))
+ (ext:create-inet-listener port :stream :host addr :reuse-address t
+ :backlog (or backlog 5))))
+(defimplementation local-port (socket)
+ (nth-value 1 (ext::get-socket-host-and-port (socket-fd socket))))
+(defimplementation close-socket (socket)
+ (ext:close-socket (socket-fd socket)))
+(defimplementation accept-connection (socket
+ &key external-format buffering timeout)
+ (let ((buffering (or buffering :full))
+ (fd (socket-fd socket)))
+ (loop
+ (let ((ready (sys:wait-until-fd-usable fd :input timeout)))
+ (unless ready
+ (error "Timeout accepting connection on socket: ~S~%" socket)))
+ (let ((new-fd (ignore-errors (ext:accept-tcp-connection fd))))
+ (when new-fd
+ (return (make-socket-io-stream new-fd external-format
+ (ecase buffering
+ ((t) :full)
+ ((nil) :none)
+ (:line :line)))))))))
+(defimplementation set-stream-timeout (stream timeout)
+ (check-type timeout (or null real))
+ (if (fboundp 'ext::stream-timeout)
+ (setf (ext::stream-timeout stream) timeout)
+ (setf (slot-value (slot-value stream 'lisp::stream) 'lisp::timeout)
+ timeout)))
+;;;;; Sockets
+(defun socket-fd (socket)
+ "Return the file descriptor for the socket represented by 'socket."
+ (etypecase socket
+ (fixnum socket)
+ (stream (sys:fd-stream-fd socket))))
+(defun resolve-hostname (hostname)
+ "Return the IP address of 'hostname as an integer (in host byte-order)."
+ (let ((hostent (ext:lookup-host-entry hostname)))
+ (car (ext:host-entry-addr-list hostent))))
+(defvar *external-format-to-coding-system*
+ '((:iso-8859-1
+ "latin-1" "latin-1-unix" "iso-latin-1-unix"
+ "iso-8859-1" "iso-8859-1-unix")
+ (:utf-8 "utf-8" "utf-8-unix")
+ (:euc-jp "euc-jp" "euc-jp-unix")))
+(defimplementation find-external-format (coding-system)
+ (car (rassoc-if (lambda (x) (member coding-system x :test #'equal))
+ *external-format-to-coding-system*)))
+(defun make-socket-io-stream (fd external-format buffering)
+ "Create a new input/output fd-stream for 'fd."
+ (cond ((not external-format)
+ (sys:make-fd-stream fd :input t :output t :buffering buffering
+ :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+ (t
+ (let* ((stream (sys:make-fd-stream fd :input t :output t
+ :element-type 'base-char
+ :buffering buffering
+ :external-format external-format)))
+ ;; Ignore character conversion errors. Without this the
+ ;; communication channel is prone to lockup if a character
+ ;; conversion error occurs.
+ (setf (lisp::character-conversion-stream-input-error-value stream)
+ #\?)
+ (setf (lisp::character-conversion-stream-output-error-value stream)
+ #\?)
+ stream))))
+;;;; Stream handling
+(defimplementation gray-package-name ()
+ '#:ext)
+;;;; Compilation Commands
+(defvar *previous-compiler-condition* nil
+ "Used to detect duplicates.")
+(defvar *previous-context* nil
+ "Previous compiler error context.")
+(defvar *buffer-name* nil
+ "The name of the Emacs buffer we are compiling from.
+ Nil if we aren't compiling from a buffer.")
+(defvar *buffer-start-position* nil)
+(defvar *buffer-substring* nil)
+(defimplementation call-with-compilation-hooks (function)
+ (let ((*previous-compiler-condition* nil)
+ (*previous-context* nil)
+ (*print-readably* nil))
+ (handler-bind ((c::compiler-error #'handle-notification-condition)
+ (c::style-warning #'handle-notification-condition)
+ (c::warning #'handle-notification-condition))
+ (funcall function))))
+(defimplementation swank-compile-file (input-file output-file
+ load-p external-format
+ &key policy)
+ (declare (ignore policy))
+ (with-compilation-hooks ()
+ (let ((*buffer-name* nil)
+ (ext:*ignore-extra-close-parentheses* nil))
+ (multiple-value-bind (output-file warnings-p failure-p)
+ (compile-file input-file
+ :output-file output-file
+ :external-format external-format)
+ (values output-file warnings-p
+ (or failure-p
+ (when load-p
+ ;; Cache the latest source file for definition-finding.
+ (source-cache-get input-file
+ (file-write-date input-file))
+ (not (load output-file)))))))))
+(defimplementation swank-compile-string (string &key buffer position filename
+ policy)
+ (declare (ignore filename policy))
+ (with-compilation-hooks ()
+ (let ((*buffer-name* buffer)
+ (*buffer-start-position* position)
+ (*buffer-substring* string))
+ (with-input-from-string (stream string)
+ (ext:compile-from-stream
+ stream
+ :source-info `(:emacs-buffer ,buffer
+ :emacs-buffer-offset ,position
+ :emacs-buffer-string ,string))))))
+;;;;; Trapping notes
+;;; We intercept conditions from the compiler and resignal them as
+;;; `swank:compiler-condition's.
+(defun handle-notification-condition (condition)
+ "Handle a condition caused by a compiler warning."
+ (unless (eq condition *previous-compiler-condition*)
+ (let ((context (c::find-error-context nil)))
+ (setq *previous-compiler-condition* condition)
+ (setq *previous-context* context)
+ (signal-compiler-condition condition context))))
+(defun signal-compiler-condition (condition context)
+ (signal 'compiler-condition
+ :original-condition condition
+ :severity (severity-for-emacs condition)
+ :message (brief-compiler-message-for-emacs condition)
+ :source-context (compiler-error-context context)
+ :location (if (read-error-p condition)
+ (read-error-location condition)
+ (compiler-note-location context))))
+(defun severity-for-emacs (condition)
+ "Return the severity of 'condition."
+ (etypecase condition
+ ((satisfies read-error-p) :read-error)
+ (c::compiler-error :error)
+ (c::style-warning :note)
+ (c::warning :warning)))
+(defun read-error-p (condition)
+ (eq (type-of condition) 'c::compiler-read-error))
+(defun brief-compiler-message-for-emacs (condition)
+ "Briefly describe a compiler error for Emacs.
+ When Emacs presents the message it already has the source popped up
+ and the source form highlighted. This makes much of the information in
+ the error-context redundant."
+ (princ-to-string condition))
+(defun compiler-error-context (error-context)
+ "Describe a compiler error for Emacs including context information."
+ (declare (type (or c::compiler-error-context null) error-context))
+ (multiple-value-bind (enclosing source)
+ (if error-context
+ (values (c::compiler-error-context-enclosing-source error-context)
+ (c::compiler-error-context-source error-context)))
+ (if (and enclosing source)
+ (format nil "~@[--> ~{~<~%--> ~1:;~A~> ~}~%~]~@[~{==>~%~A~^~%~}~]"
+ enclosing source))))
+(defun read-error-location (condition)
+ (let* ((finfo (car (c::source-info-current-file c::*source-info*)))
+ (file (c::file-info-name finfo))
+ (pos (c::compiler-read-error-position condition)))
+ (cond ((and (eq file :stream) *buffer-name*)
+ (make-location (list :buffer *buffer-name*)
+ (list :offset *buffer-start-position* pos)))
+ ((and (pathnamep file) (not *buffer-name*))
+ (make-location (list :file (unix-truename file))
+ (list :position (1+ pos))))
+ (t (break)))))
+(defun compiler-note-location (context)
+ "Derive the location of a complier message from its context.
+ Return a `location' record, or (:error <reason>) on failure."
+ (if (null context)
+ (note-error-location)
+ (let ((file (c::compiler-error-context-file-name context))
+ (source (c::compiler-error-context-original-source context))
+ (path
+ (reverse
+ (c::compiler-error-context-original-source-path context))))
+ (or (locate-compiler-note file source path)
+ (note-error-location)))))
+(defun note-error-location ()
+ "Pseudo-location for notes that can't be located."
+ (list :error "No error location available."))
+(defun locate-compiler-note (file source source-path)
+ (cond ((and (eq file :stream) *buffer-name*)
+ ;; Compiling from a buffer
+ (make-location (list :buffer *buffer-name*)
+ (list :offset *buffer-start-position*
+ (source-path-string-position
+ source-path *buffer-substring*))))
+ ((and (pathnamep file) (null *buffer-name*))
+ ;; Compiling from a file
+ (make-location (list :file (unix-truename file))
+ (list :position (1+ (source-path-file-position
+ source-path file)))))
+ ((and (eq file :lisp) (stringp source))
+ ;; No location known, but we have the source form.
+ ;; XXX How is this case triggered? -luke (16/May/2004)
+ ;; This can happen if the compiler needs to expand a macro
+ ;; but the macro-expander is not yet compiled. Calling the
+ ;; (interpreted) macro-expander triggers IR1 conversion of
+ ;; the lambda expression for the expander and invokes the
+ ;; compiler recursively.
+ (make-location (list :source-form source)
+ (list :position 1)))))
+(defun unix-truename (pathname)
+ (ext:unix-namestring (truename pathname)))
+;;; TODO
+(defimplementation who-calls (name) nil)
+(defimplementation who-references (name) nil)
+(defimplementation who-binds (name) nil)
+(defimplementation who-sets (name) nil)
+(defimplementation who-specializes (symbol) nil)
+(defimplementation who-macroexpands (name) nil)
+;;;; Find callers and callees
+;;; Find callers and callees by looking at the constant pool of
+;;; compiled code objects. We assume every fdefn object in the
+;;; constant pool corresponds to a call to that function. A better
+;;; strategy would be to use the disassembler to find actual
+;;; call-sites.
+(declaim (inline map-code-constants))
+(defun map-code-constants (code fn)
+ "Call 'fn for each constant in 'code's constant pool."
+ (check-type code kernel:code-component)
+ (loop for i from vm:code-constants-offset below (kernel:get-header-data code)
+ do (funcall fn (kernel:code-header-ref code i))))
+(defun function-callees (function)
+ "Return 'function's callees as a list of functions."
+ (let ((callees '()))
+ (map-code-constants
+ (vm::find-code-object function)
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (when (kernel:fdefn-p obj)
+ (push (kernel:fdefn-function obj) callees))))
+ callees))
+(declaim (ext:maybe-inline map-allocated-code-components))
+(defun map-allocated-code-components (spaces fn)
+ "Call FN for each allocated code component in one of 'spaces. FN
+ receives the object as argument. 'spaces should be a list of the
+ symbols :dynamic, :static, or :read-only."
+ (dolist (space spaces)
+ (declare (inline vm::map-allocated-objects)
+ (optimize (ext:inhibit-warnings 3)))
+ (vm::map-allocated-objects
+ (lambda (obj header size)
+ (declare (type fixnum size) (ignore size))
+ (when (= vm:code-header-type header)
+ (funcall fn obj)))
+ space)))
+(declaim (ext:maybe-inline map-caller-code-components))
+(defun map-caller-code-components (function spaces fn)
+ "Call 'fn for each code component with a fdefn for 'function in its
+ constant pool."
+ (let ((function (coerce function 'function)))
+ (declare (inline map-allocated-code-components))
+ (map-allocated-code-components
+ spaces
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (map-code-constants
+ obj
+ (lambda (constant)
+ (when (and (kernel:fdefn-p constant)
+ (eq (kernel:fdefn-function constant)
+ function))
+ (funcall fn obj))))))))
+(defun function-callers (function &optional (spaces '(:read-only :static
+ :dynamic)))
+ "Return 'function's callers. The result is a list of code-objects."
+ (let ((referrers '()))
+ (declare (inline map-caller-code-components))
+ (map-caller-code-components function spaces
+ (lambda (code) (push code referrers)))
+ referrers))
+(defun debug-info-definitions (debug-info)
+ "Return the defintions for a debug-info. This should only be used
+ for code-object without entry points, i.e., byte compiled
+ code (are theree others?)"
+ ;; This mess has only been tested with #'ext::skip-whitespace, a
+ ;; byte-compiled caller of #'read-char .
+ (check-type debug-info (and (not c::compiled-debug-info) c::debug-info))
+ (let ((name (c::debug-info-name debug-info))
+ (source (c::debug-info-source debug-info)))
+ (destructuring-bind (first) source
+ (ecase (c::debug-source-from first)
+ (:file
+ (list (list name
+ (make-location
+ (list :file (unix-truename (c::debug-source-name first)))
+ (list :function-name (string name))))))))))
+(defun valid-function-name-p (name)
+ (or (symbolp name) (and (consp name)
+ (eq (car name) 'setf)
+ (symbolp (cadr name))
+ (not (cddr name)))))
+(defun code-component-entry-points (code)
+ "Return a list ((name location) ...) of function definitons for
+ the code omponent 'code."
+ (let ((names '()))
+ (do ((f (kernel:%code-entry-points code) (kernel::%function-next f)))
+ ((not f))
+ (let ((name (kernel:%function-name f)))
+ (when (valid-function-name-p name)
+ (push (list name (function-location f)) names))))
+ names))
+(defimplementation list-callers (symbol)
+ "Return a list ((name location) ...) of callers."
+ (let ((components (function-callers symbol))
+ (xrefs '()))
+ (dolist (code components)
+ (let* ((entry (kernel:%code-entry-points code))
+ (defs (if entry
+ (code-component-entry-points code)
+ ;; byte compiled stuff
+ (debug-info-definitions
+ (kernel:%code-debug-info code)))))
+ (setq xrefs (nconc defs xrefs))))
+ xrefs))
+(defimplementation list-callees (symbol)
+ (let ((fns (function-callees symbol)))
+ (mapcar (lambda (fn)
+ (list (kernel:%function-name fn)
+ (function-location fn)))
+ fns)))
+;;;; Resolving source locations
+;;; Our mission here is to "resolve" references to code locations into
+;;; actual file/buffer names and character positions. The references
+;;; we work from come out of the compiler's statically-generated debug
+;;; information, such as `code-location''s and `debug-source''s. For
+;;; more details, see the "Debugger Programmer's Interface" section of
+;;; the SCL manual.
+;;; The first step is usually to find the corresponding "source-path"
+;;; for the location. Once we have the source-path we can pull up the
+;;; source file and `READ' our way through to the right position. The
+;;; main source-code groveling work is done in
+;;; `source-path-parser.lisp'.
+(defvar *debug-definition-finding* nil
+ "When true don't handle errors while looking for definitions.
+ This is useful when debugging the definition-finding code.")
+(defmacro safe-definition-finding (&body body)
+ "Execute 'body and return the source-location it returns.
+ If an error occurs and `*debug-definition-finding*' is false, then
+ return an error pseudo-location.
+ The second return value is 'nil if no error occurs, otherwise it is the
+ condition object."
+ `(flet ((body () ,@body))
+ (if *debug-definition-finding*
+ (body)
+ (handler-case (values (progn ,@body) nil)
+ (error (c) (values (list :error (princ-to-string c)) c))))))
+(defun code-location-source-location (code-location)
+ "Safe wrapper around `code-location-from-source-location'."
+ (safe-definition-finding
+ (source-location-from-code-location code-location)))
+(defun source-location-from-code-location (code-location)
+ "Return the source location for 'code-location."
+ (let ((debug-fun (di:code-location-debug-function code-location)))
+ (when (di::bogus-debug-function-p debug-fun)
+ ;; Those lousy cheapskates! They've put in a bogus debug source
+ ;; because the code was compiled at a low debug setting.
+ (error "Bogus debug function: ~A" debug-fun)))
+ (let* ((debug-source (di:code-location-debug-source code-location))
+ (from (di:debug-source-from debug-source))
+ (name (di:debug-source-name debug-source)))
+ (ecase from
+ (:file
+ (location-in-file name code-location debug-source))
+ (:stream
+ (location-in-stream code-location debug-source))
+ (:lisp
+ ;; The location comes from a form passed to `compile'.
+ ;; The best we can do is return the form itself for printing.
+ (make-location
+ (list :source-form (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
+ (debug::print-code-location-source-form
+ code-location 100 t)))
+ (list :position 1))))))
+(defun location-in-file (filename code-location debug-source)
+ "Resolve the source location for 'code-location in 'filename."
+ (let* ((code-date (di:debug-source-created debug-source))
+ (source-code (get-source-code filename code-date)))
+ (with-input-from-string (s source-code)
+ (make-location (list :file (unix-truename filename))
+ (list :position (1+ (code-location-stream-position
+ code-location s)))
+ `(:snippet ,(read-snippet s))))))
+(defun location-in-stream (code-location debug-source)
+ "Resolve the source location for a 'code-location from a stream.
+ This only succeeds if the code was compiled from an Emacs buffer."
+ (unless (debug-source-info-from-emacs-buffer-p debug-source)
+ (error "The code is compiled from a non-SLIME stream."))
+ (let* ((info (c::debug-source-info debug-source))
+ (string (getf info :emacs-buffer-string))
+ (position (code-location-string-offset
+ code-location
+ string)))
+ (make-location
+ (list :buffer (getf info :emacs-buffer))
+ (list :offset (getf info :emacs-buffer-offset) position)
+ (list :snippet (with-input-from-string (s string)
+ (file-position s position)
+ (read-snippet s))))))
+;;;;; Function-name locations
+(defun debug-info-function-name-location (debug-info)
+ "Return a function-name source-location for 'debug-info.
+ Function-name source-locations are a fallback for when precise
+ positions aren't available."
+ (with-struct (c::debug-info- (fname name) source) debug-info
+ (with-struct (c::debug-source- info from name) (car source)
+ (ecase from
+ (:file
+ (make-location (list :file (namestring (truename name)))
+ (list :function-name (string fname))))
+ (:stream
+ (assert (debug-source-info-from-emacs-buffer-p (car source)))
+ (make-location (list :buffer (getf info :emacs-buffer))
+ (list :function-name (string fname))))
+ (:lisp
+ (make-location (list :source-form (princ-to-string (aref name 0)))
+ (list :position 1)))))))
+(defun debug-source-info-from-emacs-buffer-p (debug-source)
+ "Does the `info' slot of 'debug-source contain an Emacs buffer location?
+ This is true for functions that were compiled directly from buffers."
+ (info-from-emacs-buffer-p (c::debug-source-info debug-source)))
+(defun info-from-emacs-buffer-p (info)
+ (and info
+ (consp info)
+ (eq :emacs-buffer (car info))))
+;;;;; Groveling source-code for positions
+(defun code-location-stream-position (code-location stream)
+ "Return the byte offset of 'code-location in 'stream. Extract the
+ toplevel-form-number and form-number from 'code-location and use that
+ to find the position of the corresponding form.
+ Finish with 'stream positioned at the start of the code location."
+ (let* ((location (debug::maybe-block-start-location code-location))
+ (tlf-offset (di:code-location-top-level-form-offset location))
+ (form-number (di:code-location-form-number location)))
+ (let ((pos (form-number-stream-position tlf-offset form-number stream)))
+ (file-position stream pos)
+ pos)))
+(defun form-number-stream-position (tlf-number form-number stream)
+ "Return the starting character position of a form in 'stream.
+ 'tlf-number is the top-level-form number.
+ 'form-number is an index into a source-path table for the TLF."
+ (multiple-value-bind (tlf position-map) (read-source-form tlf-number stream)
+ (let* ((path-table (di:form-number-translations tlf 0))
+ (source-path
+ (if (<= (length path-table) form-number) ; source out of sync?
+ (list 0) ; should probably signal a condition
+ (reverse (cdr (aref path-table form-number))))))
+ (source-path-source-position source-path tlf position-map))))
+(defun code-location-string-offset (code-location string)
+ "Return the byte offset of 'code-location in 'string.
+ See 'code-location-stream-position."
+ (with-input-from-string (s string)
+ (code-location-stream-position code-location s)))
+;;;; Finding definitions
+;;; There are a great many different types of definition for us to
+;;; find. We search for definitions of every kind and return them in a
+;;; list.
+(defimplementation find-definitions (name)
+ (append (function-definitions name)
+ (setf-definitions name)
+ (variable-definitions name)
+ (class-definitions name)
+ (type-definitions name)
+ (compiler-macro-definitions name)
+ (source-transform-definitions name)
+ (function-info-definitions name)
+ (ir1-translator-definitions name)))
+;;;;; Functions, macros, generic functions, methods
+;;; We make extensive use of the compile-time debug information that
+;;; SCL records, in particular "debug functions" and "code
+;;; locations." Refer to the "Debugger Programmer's Interface" section
+;;; of the SCL manual for more details.
+(defun function-definitions (name)
+ "Return definitions for 'name in the \"function namespace\", i.e.,
+ regular functions, generic functions, methods and macros.
+ 'name can any valid function name (e.g, (setf car))."
+ (let ((macro? (and (symbolp name) (macro-function name)))
+ (special? (and (symbolp name) (special-operator-p name)))
+ (function? (and (valid-function-name-p name)
+ (ext:info :function :definition name)
+ (if (symbolp name) (fboundp name) t))))
+ (cond (macro?
+ (list `((defmacro ,name)
+ ,(function-location (macro-function name)))))
+ (special?
+ (list `((:special-operator ,name)
+ (:error ,(format nil "Special operator: ~S" name)))))
+ (function?
+ (let ((function (fdefinition name)))
+ (if (genericp function)
+ (generic-function-definitions name function)
+ (list (list `(function ,name)
+ (function-location function)))))))))
+;;;;;; Ordinary (non-generic/macro/special) functions
+;;; First we test if FUNCTION is a closure created by defstruct, and
+;;; if so extract the defstruct-description (`dd') from the closure
+;;; and find the constructor for the struct. Defstruct creates a
+;;; defun for the default constructor and we use that as an
+;;; approximation to the source location of the defstruct.
+;;; For an ordinary function we return the source location of the
+;;; first code-location we find.
+(defun function-location (function)
+ "Return the source location for FUNCTION."
+ (cond ((struct-closure-p function)
+ (struct-closure-location function))
+ ((c::byte-function-or-closure-p function)
+ (byte-function-location function))
+ (t
+ (compiled-function-location function))))
+(defun compiled-function-location (function)
+ "Return the location of a regular compiled function."
+ (multiple-value-bind (code-location error)
+ (safe-definition-finding (function-first-code-location function))
+ (cond (error (list :error (princ-to-string error)))
+ (t (code-location-source-location code-location)))))
+(defun function-first-code-location (function)
+ "Return the first code-location we can find for 'function."
+ (and (function-has-debug-function-p function)
+ (di:debug-function-start-location
+ (di:function-debug-function function))))
+(defun function-has-debug-function-p (function)
+ (di:function-debug-function function))
+(defun function-code-object= (closure function)
+ (and (eq (vm::find-code-object closure)
+ (vm::find-code-object function))
+ (not (eq closure function))))
+(defun byte-function-location (fn)
+ "Return the location of the byte-compiled function 'fn."
+ (etypecase fn
+ ((or c::hairy-byte-function c::simple-byte-function)
+ (let* ((component (c::byte-function-component fn))
+ (debug-info (kernel:%code-debug-info component)))
+ (debug-info-function-name-location debug-info)))
+ (c::byte-closure
+ (byte-function-location (c::byte-closure-function fn)))))
+;;; Here we deal with structure accessors. Note that `dd' is a
+;;; "defstruct descriptor" structure in SCL. A `dd' describes a
+;;; `defstruct''d structure.
+(defun struct-closure-p (function)
+ "Is 'function a closure created by defstruct?"
+ (or (function-code-object= function #'kernel::structure-slot-accessor)
+ (function-code-object= function #'kernel::structure-slot-setter)
+ (function-code-object= function #'kernel::%defstruct)))
+(defun struct-closure-location (function)
+ "Return the location of the structure that 'function belongs to."
+ (assert (struct-closure-p function))
+ (safe-definition-finding
+ (dd-location (struct-closure-dd function))))
+(defun struct-closure-dd (function)
+ "Return the defstruct-definition (dd) of FUNCTION."
+ (assert (= (kernel:get-type function) vm:closure-header-type))
+ (flet ((find-layout (function)
+ (sys:find-if-in-closure
+ (lambda (x)
+ (let ((value (if (di::indirect-value-cell-p x)
+ (c:value-cell-ref x)
+ x)))
+ (when (kernel::layout-p value)
+ (return-from find-layout value))))
+ function)))
+ (kernel:layout-info (find-layout function))))
+(defun dd-location (dd)
+ "Return the location of a `defstruct'."
+ ;; Find the location in a constructor.
+ (function-location (struct-constructor dd)))
+(defun struct-constructor (dd)
+ "Return a constructor function from a defstruct definition.
+Signal an error if no constructor can be found."
+ (let ((constructor (or (kernel:dd-default-constructor dd)
+ (car (kernel::dd-constructors dd)))))
+ (when (or (null constructor)
+ (and (consp constructor) (null (car constructor))))
+ (error "Cannot find structure's constructor: ~S"
+ (kernel::dd-name dd)))
+ (coerce (if (consp constructor) (first constructor) constructor)
+ 'function)))
+;;;;;; Generic functions and methods
+(defun generic-function-definitions (name function)
+ "Return the definitions of a generic function and its methods."
+ (cons (list `(defgeneric ,name) (gf-location function))
+ (gf-method-definitions function)))
+(defun gf-location (gf)
+ "Return the location of the generic function GF."
+ (definition-source-location gf (clos:generic-function-name gf)))
+(defun gf-method-definitions (gf)
+ "Return the locations of all methods of the generic function GF."
+ (mapcar #'method-definition (clos:generic-function-methods gf)))
+(defun method-definition (method)
+ (list (method-dspec method)
+ (method-location method)))
+(defun method-dspec (method)
+ "Return a human-readable \"definition specifier\" for METHOD."
+ (let* ((gf (clos:method-generic-function method))
+ (name (clos:generic-function-name gf))
+ (specializers (clos:method-specializers method))
+ (qualifiers (clos:method-qualifiers method)))
+ `(method ,name ,@qualifiers ,specializers
+ #+nil (clos::unparse-specializers specializers))))
+;; XXX maybe special case setters/getters
+(defun method-location (method)
+ (function-location (clos:method-function method)))
+(defun genericp (fn)
+ (typep fn 'generic-function))
+;;;;;; Types and classes
+(defun type-definitions (name)
+ "Return `deftype' locations for type NAME."
+ (maybe-make-definition (ext:info :type :expander name) 'deftype name))
+(defun maybe-make-definition (function kind name)
+ "If FUNCTION is non-nil then return its definition location."
+ (if function
+ (list (list `(,kind ,name) (function-location function)))))
+(defun class-definitions (name)
+ "Return the definition locations for the class called NAME."
+ (if (symbolp name)
+ (let ((class (find-class name nil)))
+ (etypecase class
+ (null '())
+ (structure-class
+ (list (list `(defstruct ,name)
+ (dd-location (find-dd name)))))
+ (standard-class
+ (list (list `(defclass ,name)
+ (class-location (find-class name)))))
+ ((or built-in-class
+ kernel:funcallable-structure-class)
+ (list (list `(kernel::define-type-class ,name)
+ `(:error
+ ,(format nil "No source info for ~A" name)))))))))
+(defun class-location (class)
+ "Return the `defclass' location for CLASS."
+ (definition-source-location class (class-name class)))
+(defun find-dd (name)
+ "Find the defstruct-definition by the name of its structure-class."
+ (let ((layout (ext:info :type :compiler-layout name)))
+ (if layout
+ (kernel:layout-info layout))))
+(defun condition-class-location (class)
+ (let ((name (class-name class)))
+ `(:error ,(format nil "No location info for condition: ~A" name))))
+(defun make-name-in-file-location (file string)
+ (multiple-value-bind (filename c)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (unix-truename (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :type "lisp")
+ file)))
+ (cond (filename (make-location `(:file ,filename)
+ `(:function-name ,(string string))))
+ (t (list :error (princ-to-string c))))))
+(defun definition-source-location (object name)
+ `(:error ,(format nil "No source info for: ~A" object)))
+(defun setf-definitions (name)
+ (let ((function (or (ext:info :setf :inverse name)
+ (ext:info :setf :expander name))))
+ (if function
+ (list (list `(setf ,name)
+ (function-location (coerce function 'function)))))))
+(defun variable-location (symbol)
+ `(:error ,(format nil "No source info for variable ~S" symbol)))
+(defun variable-definitions (name)
+ (if (symbolp name)
+ (multiple-value-bind (kind recorded-p) (ext:info :variable :kind name)
+ (if recorded-p
+ (list (list `(variable ,kind ,name)
+ (variable-location name)))))))
+(defun compiler-macro-definitions (symbol)
+ (maybe-make-definition (compiler-macro-function symbol)
+ 'define-compiler-macro
+ symbol))
+(defun source-transform-definitions (name)
+ (maybe-make-definition (ext:info :function :source-transform name)
+ 'c:def-source-transform
+ name))
+(defun function-info-definitions (name)
+ (let ((info (ext:info :function :info name)))
+ (if info
+ (append (loop for transform in (c::function-info-transforms info)
+ collect (list `(c:deftransform ,name
+ ,(c::type-specifier
+ (c::transform-type transform)))
+ (function-location (c::transform-function
+ transform))))
+ (maybe-make-definition (c::function-info-derive-type info)
+ 'c::derive-type name)
+ (maybe-make-definition (c::function-info-optimizer info)
+ 'c::optimizer name)
+ (maybe-make-definition (c::function-info-ltn-annotate info)
+ 'c::ltn-annotate name)
+ (maybe-make-definition (c::function-info-ir2-convert info)
+ 'c::ir2-convert name)
+ (loop for template in (c::function-info-templates info)
+ collect (list `(c::vop ,(c::template-name template))
+ (function-location
+ (c::vop-info-generator-function
+ template))))))))
+(defun ir1-translator-definitions (name)
+ (maybe-make-definition (ext:info :function :ir1-convert name)
+ 'c:def-ir1-translator name))
+;;;; Documentation.
+(defimplementation describe-symbol-for-emacs (symbol)
+ (let ((result '()))
+ (flet ((doc (kind)
+ (or (documentation symbol kind) :not-documented))
+ (maybe-push (property value)
+ (when value
+ (setf result (list* property value result)))))
+ (maybe-push
+ :variable (multiple-value-bind (kind recorded-p)
+ (ext:info variable kind symbol)
+ (declare (ignore kind))
+ (if (or (boundp symbol) recorded-p)
+ (doc 'variable))))
+ (when (fboundp symbol)
+ (maybe-push
+ (cond ((macro-function symbol) :macro)
+ ((special-operator-p symbol) :special-operator)
+ ((genericp (fdefinition symbol)) :generic-function)
+ (t :function))
+ (doc 'function)))
+ (maybe-push
+ :setf (if (or (ext:info setf inverse symbol)
+ (ext:info setf expander symbol))
+ (doc 'setf)))
+ (maybe-push
+ :type (if (ext:info type kind symbol)
+ (doc 'type)))
+ (maybe-push
+ :class (if (find-class symbol nil)
+ (doc 'class)))
+ (maybe-push
+ :alien-type (if (not (eq (ext:info alien-type kind symbol) :unknown))
+ (doc 'alien-type)))
+ (maybe-push
+ :alien-struct (if (ext:info alien-type struct symbol)
+ (doc nil)))
+ (maybe-push
+ :alien-union (if (ext:info alien-type union symbol)
+ (doc nil)))
+ (maybe-push
+ :alien-enum (if (ext:info alien-type enum symbol)
+ (doc nil)))
+ result)))
+(defimplementation describe-definition (symbol namespace)
+ (describe (ecase namespace
+ (:variable
+ symbol)
+ ((:function :generic-function)
+ (symbol-function symbol))
+ (:setf
+ (or (ext:info setf inverse symbol)
+ (ext:info setf expander symbol)))
+ (:type
+ (kernel:values-specifier-type symbol))
+ (:class
+ (find-class symbol))
+ (:alien-struct
+ (ext:info :alien-type :struct symbol))
+ (:alien-union
+ (ext:info :alien-type :union symbol))
+ (:alien-enum
+ (ext:info :alien-type :enum symbol))
+ (:alien-type
+ (ecase (ext:info :alien-type :kind symbol)
+ (:primitive
+ (let ((alien::*values-type-okay* t))
+ (funcall (ext:info :alien-type :translator symbol)
+ (list symbol))))
+ ((:defined)
+ (ext:info :alien-type :definition symbol))
+ (:unknown :unknown))))))
+;;;;; Argument lists
+(defimplementation arglist (fun)
+ (multiple-value-bind (args winp)
+ (ext:function-arglist fun)
+ (if winp args :not-available)))
+(defimplementation function-name (function)
+ (cond ((eval:interpreted-function-p function)
+ (eval:interpreted-function-name function))
+ ((typep function 'generic-function)
+ (clos:generic-function-name function))
+ ((c::byte-function-or-closure-p function)
+ (c::byte-function-name function))
+ (t (kernel:%function-name (kernel:%function-self function)))))
+;;; A harder case: an approximate arglist is derived from available
+;;; debugging information.
+(defun debug-function-arglist (debug-function)
+ "Derive the argument list of DEBUG-FUNCTION from debug info."
+ (let ((args (di::debug-function-lambda-list debug-function))
+ (required '())
+ (optional '())
+ (rest '())
+ (key '()))
+ ;; collect the names of debug-vars
+ (dolist (arg args)
+ (etypecase arg
+ (di::debug-variable
+ (push (di::debug-variable-symbol arg) required))
+ ((member :deleted)
+ (push ':deleted required))
+ (cons
+ (ecase (car arg)
+ (:keyword
+ (push (second arg) key))
+ (:optional
+ (push (debug-variable-symbol-or-deleted (second arg)) optional))
+ (:rest
+ (push (debug-variable-symbol-or-deleted (second arg)) rest))))))
+ ;; intersperse lambda keywords as needed
+ (append (nreverse required)
+ (if optional (cons '&optional (nreverse optional)))
+ (if rest (cons '&rest (nreverse rest)))
+ (if key (cons '&key (nreverse key))))))
+(defun debug-variable-symbol-or-deleted (var)
+ (etypecase var
+ (di:debug-variable
+ (di::debug-variable-symbol var))
+ ((member :deleted)
+ '#:deleted)))
+(defun symbol-debug-function-arglist (fname)
+ "Return FNAME's debug-function-arglist and %function-arglist.
+ A utility for debugging DEBUG-FUNCTION-ARGLIST."
+ (let ((fn (fdefinition fname)))
+ (values (debug-function-arglist (di::function-debug-function fn))
+ (kernel:%function-arglist (kernel:%function-self fn)))))
+;;;; Miscellaneous.
+(defimplementation macroexpand-all (form &optional env)
+ (declare (ignore env))
+ (macroexpand form))
+(defimplementation set-default-directory (directory)
+ (setf (ext:default-directory) (namestring directory))
+ ;; Setting *default-pathname-defaults* to an absolute directory
+ ;; makes the behavior of MERGE-PATHNAMES a bit more intuitive.
+ (setf *default-pathname-defaults* (pathname (ext:default-directory)))
+ (default-directory))
+(defimplementation default-directory ()
+ (namestring (ext:default-directory)))
+(defimplementation pathname-to-filename (pathname)
+ (ext:unix-namestring pathname nil))
+(defimplementation getpid ()
+ (unix:unix-getpid))
+(defimplementation lisp-implementation-type-name ()
+ (if (eq ext:*case-mode* :upper) "scl" "scl-lower"))
+(defimplementation quit-lisp ()
+ (ext:quit))
+;;; source-path-{stream,file,string,etc}-position moved into
+;;; source-path-parser
+;;;; Debugging
+(defvar *sldb-stack-top*)
+(defimplementation call-with-debugging-environment (debugger-loop-fn)
+ (let* ((*sldb-stack-top* (or debug:*stack-top-hint* (di:top-frame)))
+ (debug:*stack-top-hint* nil)
+ (kernel:*current-level* 0))
+ (handler-bind ((di::unhandled-condition
+ (lambda (condition)
+ (error 'sldb-condition
+ :original-condition condition))))
+ (funcall debugger-loop-fn))))
+(defun frame-down (frame)
+ (handler-case (di:frame-down frame)
+ (di:no-debug-info () nil)))
+(defun nth-frame (index)
+ (do ((frame *sldb-stack-top* (frame-down frame))
+ (i index (1- i)))
+ ((zerop i) frame)))
+(defimplementation compute-backtrace (start end)
+ (let ((end (or end most-positive-fixnum)))
+ (loop for f = (nth-frame start) then (frame-down f)
+ for i from start below end
+ while f collect f)))
+(defimplementation print-frame (frame stream)
+ (let ((*standard-output* stream))
+ (handler-case
+ (debug::print-frame-call frame :verbosity 1 :number nil)
+ (error (e)
+ (ignore-errors (princ e stream))))))
+(defimplementation frame-source-location (index)
+ (code-location-source-location (di:frame-code-location (nth-frame index))))
+(defimplementation eval-in-frame (form index)
+ (di:eval-in-frame (nth-frame index) form))
+(defun frame-debug-vars (frame)
+ "Return a vector of debug-variables in frame."
+ (di::debug-function-debug-variables (di:frame-debug-function frame)))
+(defun debug-var-value (var frame location)
+ (let ((validity (di:debug-variable-validity var location)))
+ (ecase validity
+ (:valid (di:debug-variable-value var frame))
+ ((:invalid :unknown) (make-symbol (string validity))))))
+(defimplementation frame-locals (index)
+ (let* ((frame (nth-frame index))
+ (loc (di:frame-code-location frame))
+ (vars (frame-debug-vars frame)))
+ (loop for v across vars collect
+ (list :name (di:debug-variable-symbol v)
+ :id (di:debug-variable-id v)
+ :value (debug-var-value v frame loc)))))
+(defimplementation frame-var-value (frame var)
+ (let* ((frame (nth-frame frame))
+ (dvar (aref (frame-debug-vars frame) var)))
+ (debug-var-value dvar frame (di:frame-code-location frame))))
+(defimplementation frame-catch-tags (index)
+ (mapcar #'car (di:frame-catches (nth-frame index))))
+(defimplementation return-from-frame (index form)
+ (let ((sym (find-symbol (symbol-name '#:find-debug-tag-for-frame)
+ :debug-internals)))
+ (if sym
+ (let* ((frame (nth-frame index))
+ (probe (funcall sym frame)))
+ (cond (probe (throw (car probe) (eval-in-frame form index)))
+ (t (format nil "Cannot return from frame: ~S" frame))))
+ "return-from-frame is not implemented in this version of SCL.")))
+(defimplementation activate-stepping (frame)
+ (set-step-breakpoints (nth-frame frame)))
+(defimplementation sldb-break-on-return (frame)
+ (break-on-return (nth-frame frame)))
+;;; We set the breakpoint in the caller which might be a bit confusing.
+(defun break-on-return (frame)
+ (let* ((caller (di:frame-down frame))
+ (cl (di:frame-code-location caller)))
+ (flet ((hook (frame bp)
+ (when (frame-pointer= frame caller)
+ (di:delete-breakpoint bp)
+ (signal-breakpoint bp frame))))
+ (let* ((info (ecase (di:code-location-kind cl)
+ ((:single-value-return :unknown-return) nil)
+ (:known-return (debug-function-returns
+ (di:frame-debug-function frame)))))
+ (bp (di:make-breakpoint #'hook cl :kind :code-location
+ :info info)))
+ (di:activate-breakpoint bp)
+ `(:ok ,(format nil "Set breakpoint in ~A" caller))))))
+(defun frame-pointer= (frame1 frame2)
+ "Return true if the frame pointers of FRAME1 and FRAME2 are the same."
+ (sys:sap= (di::frame-pointer frame1) (di::frame-pointer frame2)))
+;;; The PC in escaped frames at a single-return-value point is
+;;; actually vm:single-value-return-byte-offset bytes after the
+;;; position given in the debug info. Here we try to recognize such
+;;; cases.
+(defun next-code-locations (frame code-location)
+ "Like `debug::next-code-locations' but be careful in escaped frames."
+ (let ((next (debug::next-code-locations code-location)))
+ (flet ((adjust-pc ()
+ (let ((cl (di::copy-compiled-code-location code-location)))
+ (incf (di::compiled-code-location-pc cl)
+ vm:single-value-return-byte-offset)
+ cl)))
+ (cond ((and (di::compiled-frame-escaped frame)
+ (eq (di:code-location-kind code-location)
+ :single-value-return)
+ (= (length next) 1)
+ (di:code-location= (car next) (adjust-pc)))
+ (debug::next-code-locations (car next)))
+ (t
+ next)))))
+(defun set-step-breakpoints (frame)
+ (let ((cl (di:frame-code-location frame)))
+ (when (di:debug-block-elsewhere-p (di:code-location-debug-block cl))
+ (error "Cannot step in elsewhere code"))
+ (let* ((debug::*bad-code-location-types*
+ (remove :call-site debug::*bad-code-location-types*))
+ (next (next-code-locations frame cl)))
+ (cond (next
+ (let ((steppoints '()))
+ (flet ((hook (bp-frame bp)
+ (signal-breakpoint bp bp-frame)
+ (mapc #'di:delete-breakpoint steppoints)))
+ (dolist (code-location next)
+ (let ((bp (di:make-breakpoint #'hook code-location
+ :kind :code-location)))
+ (di:activate-breakpoint bp)
+ (push bp steppoints))))))
+ (t
+ (break-on-return frame))))))
+;; XXX the return values at return breakpoints should be passed to the
+;; user hooks. debug-int.lisp should be changed to do this cleanly.
+;;; The sigcontext and the PC for a breakpoint invocation are not
+;;; passed to user hook functions, but we need them to extract return
+;;; values. So we advice di::handle-breakpoint and bind the values to
+;;; special variables.
+(defvar *breakpoint-sigcontext*)
+(defvar *breakpoint-pc*)
+(defun sigcontext-object (sc index)
+ "Extract the lisp object in sigcontext SC at offset INDEX."
+ (kernel:make-lisp-obj (vm:ucontext-register sc index)))
+(defun known-return-point-values (sigcontext sc-offsets)
+ (let ((fp (system:int-sap (vm:ucontext-register sigcontext
+ vm::cfp-offset))))
+ (system:without-gcing
+ (loop for sc-offset across sc-offsets
+ collect (di::sub-access-debug-var-slot fp sc-offset sigcontext)))))
+;;; SCL returns the first few values in registers and the rest on
+;;; the stack. In the multiple value case, the number of values is
+;;; stored in a dedicated register. The values of the registers can be
+;;; accessed in the sigcontext for the breakpoint. There are 3 kinds
+;;; of return conventions: :single-value-return, :unknown-return, and
+;;; :known-return.
+;;; The :single-value-return convention returns the value in a
+;;; register without setting the nargs registers.
+;;; The :unknown-return variant is used for multiple values. A
+;;; :unknown-return point consists actually of 2 breakpoints: one for
+;;; the single value case and one for the general case. The single
+;;; value breakpoint comes vm:single-value-return-byte-offset after
+;;; the multiple value breakpoint.
+;;; The :known-return convention is used by local functions.
+;;; :known-return is currently not supported because we don't know
+;;; where the values are passed.
+(defun breakpoint-values (breakpoint)
+ "Return the list of return values for a return point."
+ (flet ((1st (sc) (sigcontext-object sc (car vm::register-arg-offsets))))
+ (let ((sc (locally (declare (optimize (ext:inhibit-warnings 3)))
+ (alien:sap-alien *breakpoint-sigcontext* (* unix:ucontext))))
+ (cl (di:breakpoint-what breakpoint)))
+ (ecase (di:code-location-kind cl)
+ (:single-value-return
+ (list (1st sc)))
+ (:known-return
+ (let ((info (di:breakpoint-info breakpoint)))
+ (if (vectorp info)
+ (known-return-point-values sc info)
+ (progn
+ ;;(break)
+ (list "<<known-return convention not supported>>" info)))))
+ (:unknown-return
+ (let ((mv-return-pc (di::compiled-code-location-pc cl)))
+ (if (= mv-return-pc *breakpoint-pc*)
+ (mv-function-end-breakpoint-values sc)
+ (list (1st sc)))))))))
+(defun mv-function-end-breakpoint-values (sigcontext)
+ (let ((sym (find-symbol
+ (symbol-name '#:function-end-breakpoint-values/standard)
+ :debug-internals)))
+ (cond (sym (funcall sym sigcontext))
+ (t (di::get-function-end-breakpoint-values sigcontext)))))
+(defun debug-function-returns (debug-fun)
+ "Return the return style of DEBUG-FUN."
+ (let* ((cdfun (di::compiled-debug-function-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun)))
+ (c::compiled-debug-function-returns cdfun)))
+(define-condition breakpoint (simple-condition)
+ ((message :initarg :message :reader breakpoint.message)
+ (values :initarg :values :reader breakpoint.values))
+ (:report (lambda (c stream) (princ (breakpoint.message c) stream))))
+(defimplementation condition-extras ((c breakpoint))
+ ;; simply pop up the source buffer
+ `((:short-frame-source 0)))
+(defun signal-breakpoint (breakpoint frame)
+ "Signal a breakpoint condition for BREAKPOINT in FRAME.
+Try to create a informative message."
+ (flet ((brk (values fstring &rest args)
+ (let ((msg (apply #'format nil fstring args))
+ (debug:*stack-top-hint* frame))
+ (break 'breakpoint :message msg :values values))))
+ (with-struct (di::breakpoint- kind what) breakpoint
+ (case kind
+ (:code-location
+ (case (di:code-location-kind what)
+ ((:single-value-return :known-return :unknown-return)
+ (let ((values (breakpoint-values breakpoint)))
+ (brk values "Return value: ~{~S ~}" values)))
+ (t
+ #+(or)
+ (when (eq (di:code-location-kind what) :call-site)
+ (call-site-function breakpoint frame))
+ (brk nil "Breakpoint: ~S ~S"
+ (di:code-location-kind what)
+ (di::compiled-code-location-pc what)))))
+ (:function-start
+ (brk nil "Function start breakpoint"))
+ (t (brk nil "Breakpoint: ~A in ~A" breakpoint frame))))))
+(defimplementation sldb-break-at-start (fname)
+ (let ((debug-fun (di:function-debug-function (coerce fname 'function))))
+ (cond ((not debug-fun)
+ `(:error ,(format nil "~S has no debug-function" fname)))
+ (t
+ (flet ((hook (frame bp &optional args cookie)
+ (declare (ignore args cookie))
+ (signal-breakpoint bp frame)))
+ (let ((bp (di:make-breakpoint #'hook debug-fun
+ :kind :function-start)))
+ (di:activate-breakpoint bp)
+ `(:ok ,(format nil "Set breakpoint in ~S" fname))))))))
+(defun frame-cfp (frame)
+ "Return the Control-Stack-Frame-Pointer for FRAME."
+ (etypecase frame
+ (di::compiled-frame (di::frame-pointer frame))
+ ((or di::interpreted-frame null) -1)))
+(defun frame-ip (frame)
+ "Return the (absolute) instruction pointer and the relative pc of FRAME."
+ (if (not frame)
+ -1
+ (let ((debug-fun (di::frame-debug-function frame)))
+ (etypecase debug-fun
+ (di::compiled-debug-function
+ (let* ((code-loc (di:frame-code-location frame))
+ (component (di::compiled-debug-function-component debug-fun))
+ (pc (di::compiled-code-location-pc code-loc))
+ (ip (sys:without-gcing
+ (sys:sap-int
+ (sys:sap+ (kernel:code-instructions component) pc)))))
+ (values ip pc)))
+ ((or di::bogus-debug-function di::interpreted-debug-function)
+ -1)))))
+(defun frame-registers (frame)
+ "Return the lisp registers CSP, CFP, IP, OCFP, LRA for FRAME-NUMBER."
+ (let* ((cfp (frame-cfp frame))
+ (csp (frame-cfp (di::frame-up frame)))
+ (ip (frame-ip frame))
+ (ocfp (frame-cfp (di::frame-down frame)))
+ (lra (frame-ip (di::frame-down frame))))
+ (values csp cfp ip ocfp lra)))
+(defun print-frame-registers (frame-number)
+ (let ((frame (di::frame-real-frame (nth-frame frame-number))))
+ (flet ((fixnum (p) (etypecase p
+ (integer p)
+ (sys:system-area-pointer (sys:sap-int p)))))
+ (apply #'format t "~
+CSP = ~X
+CFP = ~X
+IP = ~X
+OCFP = ~X
+LRA = ~X~%" (mapcar #'fixnum
+ (multiple-value-list (frame-registers frame)))))))
+(defimplementation disassemble-frame (frame-number)
+ "Return a string with the disassembly of frames code."
+ (print-frame-registers frame-number)
+ (terpri)
+ (let* ((frame (di::frame-real-frame (nth-frame frame-number)))
+ (debug-fun (di::frame-debug-function frame)))
+ (etypecase debug-fun
+ (di::compiled-debug-function
+ (let* ((component (di::compiled-debug-function-component debug-fun))
+ (fun (di:debug-function-function debug-fun)))
+ (if fun
+ (disassemble fun)
+ (disassem:disassemble-code-component component))))
+ (di::bogus-debug-function
+ (format t "~%[Disassembling bogus frames not implemented]")))))
+;;;; Inspecting
+(defconstant +lowtag-symbols+
+ '(vm:even-fixnum-type
+ vm:instance-pointer-type
+ vm:other-immediate-0-type
+ vm:list-pointer-type
+ vm:odd-fixnum-type
+ vm:function-pointer-type
+ vm:other-immediate-1-type
+ vm:other-pointer-type)
+ "Names of the constants that specify type tags.
+The `symbol-value' of each element is a type tag.")
+(defconstant +header-type-symbols+
+ (labels ((suffixp (suffix string)
+ (and (>= (length string) (length suffix))
+ (string= string suffix :start1 (- (length string)
+ (length suffix)))))
+ (header-type-symbol-p (x)
+ (and (suffixp (symbol-name '#:-type) (symbol-name x))
+ (not (member x +lowtag-symbols+))
+ (boundp x)
+ (typep (symbol-value x) 'fixnum))))
+ (remove-if-not #'header-type-symbol-p
+ (append (apropos-list (symbol-name '#:-type) :vm)
+ (apropos-list (symbol-name '#:-type) :bignum))))
+ "A list of names of the type codes in boxed objects.")
+(defimplementation describe-primitive-type (object)
+ (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
+ (let* ((lowtag (kernel:get-lowtag object))
+ (lowtag-symbol (find lowtag +lowtag-symbols+ :key #'symbol-value)))
+ (format t "lowtag: ~A" lowtag-symbol)
+ (when (member lowtag (list vm:other-pointer-type
+ vm:function-pointer-type
+ vm:other-immediate-0-type
+ vm:other-immediate-1-type
+ ))
+ (let* ((type (kernel:get-type object))
+ (type-symbol (find type +header-type-symbols+
+ :key #'symbol-value)))
+ (format t ", type: ~A" type-symbol))))))
+(defmethod emacs-inspect ((o t))
+ (cond ((di::indirect-value-cell-p o)
+ `("Value: " (:value ,(c:value-cell-ref o))))
+ ((alien::alien-value-p o)
+ (inspect-alien-value o))
+ (t
+ (scl-inspect o))))
+(defun scl-inspect (o)
+ (destructuring-bind (text labeledp . parts)
+ (inspect::describe-parts o)
+ (list* (format nil "~A~%" text)
+ (if labeledp
+ (loop for (label . value) in parts
+ append (label-value-line label value))
+ (loop for value in parts for i from 0
+ append (label-value-line i value))))))
+(defmethod emacs-inspect ((o function))
+ (let ((header (kernel:get-type o)))
+ (cond ((= header vm:function-header-type)
+ (list* (format nil "~A is a function.~%" o)
+ (append (label-value-line*
+ ("Self" (kernel:%function-self o))
+ ("Next" (kernel:%function-next o))
+ ("Name" (kernel:%function-name o))
+ ("Arglist" (kernel:%function-arglist o))
+ ("Type" (kernel:%function-type o))
+ ("Code" (kernel:function-code-header o)))
+ (list
+ (with-output-to-string (s)
+ (disassem:disassemble-function o :stream s))))))
+ ((= header vm:closure-header-type)
+ (list* (format nil "~A is a closure.~%" o)
+ (append
+ (label-value-line "Function" (kernel:%closure-function o))
+ `("Environment:" (:newline))
+ (loop for i from 0 below (- (kernel:get-closure-length o)
+ (1- vm:closure-info-offset))
+ append (label-value-line
+ i (kernel:%closure-index-ref o i))))))
+ ((eval::interpreted-function-p o)
+ (scl-inspect o))
+ (t
+ (call-next-method)))))
+(defmethod emacs-inspect ((o kernel:code-component))
+ (append
+ (label-value-line*
+ ("code-size" (kernel:%code-code-size o))
+ ("entry-points" (kernel:%code-entry-points o))
+ ("debug-info" (kernel:%code-debug-info o))
+ ("trace-table-offset" (kernel:code-header-ref
+ o vm:code-trace-table-offset-slot)))
+ `("Constants:" (:newline))
+ (loop for i from vm:code-constants-offset
+ below (kernel:get-header-data o)
+ append (label-value-line i (kernel:code-header-ref o i)))
+ `("Code:" (:newline)
+ , (with-output-to-string (s)
+ (cond ((kernel:%code-debug-info o)
+ (disassem:disassemble-code-component o :stream s))
+ (t
+ (disassem:disassemble-memory
+ (disassem::align
+ (+ (logandc2 (kernel:get-lisp-obj-address o)
+ vm:lowtag-mask)
+ (* vm:code-constants-offset vm:word-bytes))
+ (ash 1 vm:lowtag-bits))
+ (ash (kernel:%code-code-size o) vm:word-shift)
+ :stream s)))))))
+(defmethod emacs-inspect ((o kernel:fdefn))
+ (label-value-line*
+ ("name" (kernel:fdefn-name o))
+ ("function" (kernel:fdefn-function o))
+ ("raw-addr" (sys:sap-ref-32
+ (sys:int-sap (kernel:get-lisp-obj-address o))
+ (* vm:fdefn-raw-addr-slot vm:word-bytes)))))
+(defmethod emacs-inspect ((o array))
+ (cond ((kernel:array-header-p o)
+ (list* (format nil "~A is an array.~%" o)
+ (label-value-line*
+ (:header (describe-primitive-type o))
+ (:rank (array-rank o))
+ (:fill-pointer (kernel:%array-fill-pointer o))
+ (:fill-pointer-p (kernel:%array-fill-pointer-p o))
+ (:elements (kernel:%array-available-elements o))
+ (:data (kernel:%array-data-vector o))
+ (:displacement (kernel:%array-displacement o))
+ (:displaced-p (kernel:%array-displaced-p o))
+ (:dimensions (array-dimensions o)))))
+ (t
+ (list* (format nil "~A is an simple-array.~%" o)
+ (label-value-line*
+ (:header (describe-primitive-type o))
+ (:length (length o)))))))
+(defmethod emacs-inspect ((o simple-vector))
+ (list* (format nil "~A is a vector.~%" o)
+ (append
+ (label-value-line*
+ (:header (describe-primitive-type o))
+ (:length (c::vector-length o)))
+ (unless (eq (array-element-type o) 'nil)
+ (loop for i below (length o)
+ append (label-value-line i (aref o i)))))))
+(defun inspect-alien-record (alien)
+ (with-struct (alien::alien-value- sap type) alien
+ (with-struct (alien::alien-record-type- kind name fields) type
+ (append
+ (label-value-line*
+ (:sap sap)
+ (:kind kind)
+ (:name name))
+ (loop for field in fields
+ append (let ((slot (alien::alien-record-field-name field)))
+ (label-value-line slot (alien:slot alien slot))))))))
+(defun inspect-alien-pointer (alien)
+ (with-struct (alien::alien-value- sap type) alien
+ (label-value-line*
+ (:sap sap)
+ (:type type)
+ (:to (alien::deref alien)))))
+(defun inspect-alien-value (alien)
+ (typecase (alien::alien-value-type alien)
+ (alien::alien-record-type (inspect-alien-record alien))
+ (alien::alien-pointer-type (inspect-alien-pointer alien))
+ (t (scl-inspect alien))))
+;;;; Profiling
+(defimplementation profile (fname)
+ (eval `(profile:profile ,fname)))
+(defimplementation unprofile (fname)
+ (eval `(profile:unprofile ,fname)))
+(defimplementation unprofile-all ()
+ (eval `(profile:unprofile))
+ "All functions unprofiled.")
+(defimplementation profile-report ()
+ (eval `(profile:report-time)))
+(defimplementation profile-reset ()
+ (eval `(profile:reset-time))
+ "Reset profiling counters.")
+(defimplementation profiled-functions ()
+ profile:*timed-functions*)
+(defimplementation profile-package (package callers methods)
+ (profile:profile-all :package package
+ :callers-p callers
+ #+nil :methods #+nil methods))
+;;;; Multiprocessing
+(defimplementation spawn (fn &key name)
+ (thread:thread-create fn :name (or name "Anonymous")))
+(defvar *thread-id-counter* 0)
+(defvar *thread-id-counter-lock* (thread:make-lock "Thread ID counter"))
+(defimplementation thread-id (thread)
+ (thread:with-lock-held (*thread-id-counter-lock*)
+ (or (getf (thread:thread-plist thread) 'id)
+ (setf (getf (thread:thread-plist thread) 'id)
+ (incf *thread-id-counter*)))))
+(defimplementation find-thread (id)
+ (block find-thread
+ (thread:map-over-threads
+ #'(lambda (thread)
+ (when (eql (getf (thread:thread-plist thread) 'id) id)
+ (return-from find-thread thread))))))
+(defimplementation thread-name (thread)
+ (princ-to-string (thread:thread-name thread)))
+(defimplementation thread-status (thread)
+ (let ((dynamic-values (thread::thread-dynamic-values thread)))
+ (if (zerop dynamic-values) "Exited" "Running")))
+(defimplementation make-lock (&key name)
+ (thread:make-lock name))
+(defimplementation call-with-lock-held (lock function)
+ (declare (type function function))
+ (thread:with-lock-held (lock) (funcall function)))
+(defimplementation current-thread ()
+ thread:*thread*)
+(defimplementation all-threads ()
+ (let ((all-threads nil))
+ (thread:map-over-threads #'(lambda (thread) (push thread all-threads)))
+ all-threads))
+(defimplementation interrupt-thread (thread fn)
+ (thread:thread-interrupt thread #'(lambda ()
+ (sys:with-interrupts
+ (funcall fn)))))
+(defimplementation kill-thread (thread)
+ (thread:destroy-thread thread))
+(defimplementation thread-alive-p (thread)
+ (not (zerop (thread::thread-dynamic-values thread))))
+(defvar *mailbox-lock* (thread:make-lock "Mailbox lock" :interruptible nil))
+(defstruct (mailbox)
+ (lock (thread:make-lock "Thread mailbox" :type :error-check
+ :interruptible nil)
+ :type thread:error-check-lock)
+ (queue '() :type list))
+(defun mailbox (thread)
+ "Return 'thread's mailbox."
+ (sys:without-interrupts
+ (thread:with-lock-held (*mailbox-lock*)
+ (or (getf (thread:thread-plist thread) 'mailbox)
+ (setf (getf (thread:thread-plist thread) 'mailbox)
+ (make-mailbox))))))
+(defimplementation send (thread message)
+ (let* ((mbox (mailbox thread))
+ (lock (mailbox-lock mbox)))
+ (sys:without-interrupts
+ (thread:with-lock-held (lock "Mailbox Send")
+ (setf (mailbox-queue mbox) (nconc (mailbox-queue mbox)
+ (list message)))))
+ (mp:process-wakeup thread)))
+(defimplementation receive ()
+ (receive-if (constantly t)))
+(defimplementation receive-if (test &optional timeout)
+ (let ((mbox (mailbox thread:*thread*)))
+ (assert (or (not timeout) (eq timeout t)))
+ (loop
+ (check-slime-interrupts)
+ (sys:without-interrupts
+ (mp:with-lock-held ((mailbox-lock mbox))
+ (let* ((q (mailbox-queue mbox))
+ (tail (member-if test q)))
+ (when tail
+ (setf (mailbox-queue mbox)
+ (nconc (ldiff q tail) (cdr tail)))
+ (return (car tail))))))
+ (when (eq timeout t) (return (values nil t)))
+ (mp:process-wait-with-timeout
+ "Mailbox read wait" 0.5 (lambda () (some test (mailbox-queue mbox)))))))
+(defimplementation emacs-connected ())
+;;Trace implementations
+;; In SCL, we have:
+;; (trace <name>)
+;; (trace (method <name> <qualifier>? (<specializer>+)))
+;; (trace :methods t '<name>) ;;to trace all methods of the gf <name>
+;; <name> can be a normal name or a (setf name)
+(defun tracedp (spec)
+ (member spec (eval '(trace)) :test #'equal))
+(defun toggle-trace-aux (spec &rest options)
+ (cond ((tracedp spec)
+ (eval `(untrace ,spec))
+ (format nil "~S is now untraced." spec))
+ (t
+ (eval `(trace ,spec ,@options))
+ (format nil "~S is now traced." spec))))
+(defimplementation toggle-trace (spec)
+ (ecase (car spec)
+ ((setf)
+ (toggle-trace-aux spec))
+ ((:defgeneric)
+ (let ((name (second spec)))
+ (toggle-trace-aux name :methods name)))
+ ((:defmethod)
+ nil)
+ ((:call)
+ (destructuring-bind (caller callee) (cdr spec)
+ (toggle-trace-aux (process-fspec callee)
+ :wherein (list (process-fspec caller)))))))
+(defun process-fspec (fspec)
+ (cond ((consp fspec)
+ (ecase (first fspec)
+ ((:defun :defgeneric) (second fspec))
+ ((:defmethod)
+ `(method ,(second fspec) ,@(third fspec) ,(fourth fspec)))
+ ;; this isn't actually supported
+ ((:labels) `(labels ,(process-fspec (second fspec)) ,(third fspec)))
+ ((:flet) `(flet ,(process-fspec (second fspec)) ,(third fspec)))))
+ (t
+ fspec)))
+;;; Weak datastructures
+;;; Not implemented in SCL.
+(defimplementation make-weak-key-hash-table (&rest args)
+ (apply #'make-hash-table :weak-p t args))