path: root/vim/bundle/slimv/swank-clojure/swank/commands/contrib/swank_fuzzy.clj
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authorNick Shipp <>2017-05-07 09:04:01 -0400
committerNick Shipp <>2017-05-07 09:04:01 -0400
commitc012f55efda29f09179e921cf148d79deb57616e (patch)
treeff0ad37f22622d51194cab192a2aa4b0106d7ad0 /vim/bundle/slimv/swank-clojure/swank/commands/contrib/swank_fuzzy.clj
parent4ca8f6608883d230131f8a9e8b6d6c091c516049 (diff)
Much maturering of vim configs
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/slimv/swank-clojure/swank/commands/contrib/swank_fuzzy.clj')
1 files changed, 428 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/slimv/swank-clojure/swank/commands/contrib/swank_fuzzy.clj b/vim/bundle/slimv/swank-clojure/swank/commands/contrib/swank_fuzzy.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5aebb55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/slimv/swank-clojure/swank/commands/contrib/swank_fuzzy.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+;;; swank_fuzzy.clj --- fuzzy symbol completion, Clojure implementation.
+;; Original CL implementation authors (from swank-fuzzy.lisp) below,
+;; Authors: Brian Downing <>
+;; Tobias C. Rittweiler <>
+;; and others
+;; This progam is based on the swank-fuzzy.lisp.
+;; Thanks the CL implementation authors for that useful software.
+(ns swank.commands.contrib.swank-fuzzy
+ (:use (swank util core commands))
+ (:use (swank.util clojure)))
+(def #^{:dynamic true} *fuzzy-recursion-soft-limit* 30)
+(defn- compute-most-completions [short full]
+ (let [collect-chunk (fn [[pcur [[pa va] ys]] [pb vb]]
+ (let [xs (if (= (dec pb) pcur)
+ [[pa (str va vb)]]
+ [[pb vb] [pa va]])]
+ [pb (if ys (conj xs ys) xs)]))
+ step (fn step [short full pos chunk seed limit?]
+ (cond
+ (and (empty? full) (not (empty? short)))
+ nil
+ (or (empty? short) limit?)
+ (if chunk
+ (conj seed
+ (second (reduce collect-chunk
+ [(ffirst chunk) [(first chunk)]]
+ (rest chunk))))
+ seed)
+ (= (first short) (first full))
+ (let [seed2
+ (step short (rest full) (inc pos) chunk seed
+ (< *fuzzy-recursion-soft-limit* (count seed)))]
+ (recur (rest short) (rest full) (inc pos)
+ (conj chunk [pos (str (first short))])
+ (if (and seed2 (not (empty? seed2)))
+ seed2
+ seed)
+ false))
+ :else
+ (recur short (rest full) (inc pos) chunk seed false)))]
+ (map reverse (step short full 0 [] () false))))
+(def fuzzy-completion-symbol-prefixes "*+-%&?<")
+(def fuzzy-completion-word-separators "-/.")
+(def fuzzy-completion-symbol-suffixes "*+->?!")
+(defn- score-completion [completion short full]
+ (let [find1
+ (fn [c s]
+ (re-find (re-pattern (java.util.regex.Pattern/quote (str c))) s))
+ at-beginning? zero?
+ after-prefix?
+ (fn [pos]
+ (and (= pos 1)
+ (find1 (nth full 0) fuzzy-completion-symbol-prefixes)))
+ word-separator?
+ (fn [pos]
+ (find1 (nth full pos) fuzzy-completion-word-separators))
+ after-word-separator?
+ (fn [pos]
+ (find1 (nth full (dec pos)) fuzzy-completion-word-separators))
+ at-end?
+ (fn [pos]
+ (= pos (dec (count full))))
+ before-suffix?
+ (fn [pos]
+ (and (= pos (- (count full) 2))
+ (find1 (nth full (dec (count full)))
+ fuzzy-completion-symbol-suffixes)))]
+ (letfn [(score-or-percentage-of-previous
+ [base-score pos chunk-pos]
+ (if (zero? chunk-pos)
+ base-score
+ (max base-score
+ (+ (* (score-char (dec pos) (dec chunk-pos)) 0.85)
+ (Math/pow 1.2 chunk-pos)))))
+ (score-char
+ [pos chunk-pos]
+ (score-or-percentage-of-previous
+ (cond (at-beginning? pos) 10
+ (after-prefix? pos) 10
+ (word-separator? pos) 1
+ (after-word-separator? pos) 8
+ (at-end? pos) 6
+ (before-suffix? pos) 6
+ :else 1)
+ pos chunk-pos))
+ (score-chunk
+ [chunk]
+ (let [chunk-len (count (second chunk))]
+ (apply +
+ (map score-char
+ (take chunk-len (iterate inc (first chunk)))
+ (reverse (take chunk-len
+ (iterate dec (dec chunk-len))))))))]
+ (let [chunk-scores (map score-chunk completion)
+ length-score (/ 10.0 (inc (- (count full) (count short))))]
+ [(+ (apply + chunk-scores) length-score)
+ (list (map list chunk-scores completion) length-score)]))))
+(defn- compute-highest-scoring-completion [short full]
+ (let [scored-results
+ (map (fn [result]
+ [(first (score-completion result short full))
+ result])
+ (compute-most-completions short full))
+ winner (first (sort (fn [[av _] [bv _]] (> av bv))
+ scored-results))]
+ [(second winner) (first winner)]))
+(defn- call-with-timeout [time-limit-in-msec proc]
+ "Create a thunk that returns true if given time-limit-in-msec has been
+ elapsed and calls proc with the thunk as an argument. Returns a 3 elements
+ vec: A proc result, given time-limit-in-msec has been elapsed or not,
+ elapsed time in millisecond."
+ (let [timed-out (atom false)
+ start! (fn []
+ (future (do
+ (Thread/sleep time-limit-in-msec)
+ (swap! timed-out (constantly true)))))
+ timed-out? (fn [] @timed-out)
+ started-at (System/nanoTime)]
+ (start!)
+ [(proc timed-out?)
+ @timed-out
+ (/ (double (- (System/nanoTime) started-at)) 1000000.0)]))
+(defmacro with-timeout
+ "Create a thunk that returns true if given time-limit-in-msec has been
+ elapsed and bind it to timed-out?. Then execute body."
+ #^{:private true}
+ [[timed-out? time-limit-in-msec] & body]
+ `(call-with-timeout ~time-limit-in-msec (fn [~timed-out?] ~@body)))
+(defstruct fuzzy-matching
+ :var :ns :symbol :ns-name :score :ns-chunks :var-chunks)
+(defn- fuzzy-extract-matching-info [matching string]
+ (let [[user-ns-name _] (symbol-name-parts string)]
+ (cond
+ (:var matching)
+ [(str (:symbol matching))
+ (cond (nil? user-ns-name) nil
+ :else (:ns-name matching))]
+ :else
+ [""
+ (str (:symbol matching))])))
+(defn- fuzzy-find-matching-vars
+ [string ns var-filter external-only?]
+ (let [compute (partial compute-highest-scoring-completion string)
+ ns-maps (cond
+ external-only? ns-publics
+ (= ns *ns*) ns-map
+ :else ns-interns)]
+ (map (fn [[match-result score var sym]]
+ (if (var? var)
+ (struct fuzzy-matching
+ var nil (or (:name (meta var))
+ (symbol (pr-str var)))
+ nil
+ score nil match-result)
+ (struct fuzzy-matching
+ nil nil sym
+ nil
+ score nil match-result)))
+ (filter (fn [[match-result & _]]
+ (or (= string "")
+ (not-empty match-result)))
+ (map (fn [[k v]]
+ (if (= string "")
+ (conj [nil 0.0] v k)
+ (conj (compute (.toLowerCase (str k))) v k)))
+ (filter var-filter (seq (ns-maps ns))))))))
+(defn- fuzzy-find-matching-nss
+ [string]
+ (let [compute (partial compute-highest-scoring-completion string)]
+ (map (fn [[match-result score ns ns-sym]]
+ (struct fuzzy-matching nil ns ns-sym (str ns-sym)
+ score match-result nil))
+ (filter (fn [[match-result & _]] (not-empty match-result))
+ (map (fn [[ns-sym ns]]
+ (conj (compute (str ns-sym)) ns ns-sym))
+ (concat
+ (map (fn [ns] [(symbol (str ns)) ns]) (all-ns))
+ (ns-aliases *ns*)))))))
+(defn- fuzzy-generate-matchings
+ [string default-ns timed-out?]
+ (let [take* (partial take-while (fn [_] (not (timed-out?))))
+ [parsed-ns-name parsed-symbol-name] (symbol-name-parts string)
+ find-vars
+ (fn find-vars
+ ([designator ns]
+ (find-vars designator ns identity))
+ ([designator ns var-filter]
+ (find-vars designator ns var-filter nil))
+ ([designator ns var-filter external-only?]
+ (take* (fuzzy-find-matching-vars designator
+ ns
+ var-filter
+ external-only?))))
+ find-nss (comp take* fuzzy-find-matching-nss)
+ make-duplicate-var-filter
+ (fn [fuzzy-ns-matchings]
+ (let [nss (set (map :ns-name fuzzy-ns-matchings))]
+ (comp not nss str :ns meta second)))
+ matching-greater
+ (fn [a b]
+ (cond
+ (> (:score a) (:score b)) -1
+ (< (:score a) (:score b)) 1
+ :else (compare (:symbol a) (:symbol b))))
+ fix-up
+ (fn [matchings parent-package-matching]
+ (map (fn [m]
+ (assoc m
+ :ns-name (:ns-name parent-package-matching)
+ :ns-chunks (:ns-chunks parent-package-matching)
+ :score (if (= parsed-ns-name "")
+ (/ (:score parent-package-matching) 100)
+ (+ (:score parent-package-matching)
+ (:score m)))))
+ matchings))]
+ (sort matching-greater
+ (cond
+ (nil? parsed-ns-name)
+ (concat
+ (find-vars parsed-symbol-name (maybe-ns default-ns))
+ (find-nss parsed-symbol-name))
+ ;; (apply concat
+ ;; (let [ns *ns*]
+ ;; (pcalls #(binding [*ns* ns]
+ ;; (find-vars parsed-symbol-name
+ ;; (maybe-ns default-ns)))
+ ;; #(binding [*ns* ns]
+ ;; (find-nss parsed-symbol-name)))))
+ (= "" parsed-ns-name)
+ (find-vars parsed-symbol-name (maybe-ns default-ns))
+ :else
+ (let [found-nss (find-nss parsed-ns-name)
+ find-vars1 (fn [ns-matching]
+ (fix-up
+ (find-vars parsed-symbol-name
+ (:ns ns-matching)
+ (make-duplicate-var-filter
+ (filter (partial = ns-matching)
+ found-nss))
+ true)
+ ns-matching))]
+ (concat
+ (apply concat
+ (map find-vars1 (sort matching-greater found-nss)))
+ found-nss))))))
+(defn- fuzzy-format-matching [string matching]
+ (let [[symbol package] (fuzzy-extract-matching-info matching string)
+ result (str package (when package "/") symbol)]
+ [result (.indexOf #^String result #^String symbol)]))
+(defn- classify-matching [m]
+ (let [make-var-meta (fn [m]
+ (fn [key]
+ (when-let [var (:var m)]
+ (when-let [var-meta (meta var)]
+ (get var-meta key)))))
+ vm (make-var-meta m)]
+ (set
+ (filter
+ identity
+ [(when-not (or (vm :macro) (vm :arglists))
+ :boundp)
+ (when (vm :arglists) :fboundp)
+ ;; (:typespec)
+ ;; (:class)
+ (when (vm :macro) :macro)
+ (when (special-symbol? (:symbol m)) :special-operator)
+ (when (:ns-name m) :package)
+ (when (= clojure.lang.MultiFn (vm :tag))
+ :generic-function)]))))
+(defn- classification->string [flags]
+ (format (apply str (replicate 8 "%s"))
+ (if (or (:boundp flags)
+ (:constant flags)) "b" "-")
+ (if (:fboundp flags) "f" "-")
+ (if (:generic-function flags) "g" "-")
+ (if (:class flags) "c" "-")
+ (if (:typespec flags) "t" "-")
+ (if (:macro flags) "m" "-")
+ (if (:special-operator flags) "s" "-")
+ (if (:package flags) "p" "-")))
+(defn- fuzzy-convert-matching-for-emacs [string matching]
+ (let [[name added-length] (fuzzy-format-matching string matching)]
+ [name
+ (format "%.2f" (:score matching))
+ (concat (:ns-chunks matching)
+ (map (fn [[offset string]] [(+ added-length offset) string])
+ (:var-chunks matching)))
+ (classification->string (classify-matching matching))
+ ]))
+(defn- fuzzy-completion-set
+ [string default-ns limit time-limit-in-msec]
+ (let [[matchings interrupted? _]
+ (with-timeout [timed-out? time-limit-in-msec]
+ (vec (fuzzy-generate-matchings string default-ns timed-out?)))
+ subvec1 (if (and limit
+ (> limit 0)
+ (< limit (count matchings)))
+ (fn [v] (subvec v 0 limit))
+ identity)]
+ [(subvec1 (vec (map (partial fuzzy-convert-matching-for-emacs string)
+ matchings)))
+ interrupted?]))
+(defslimefn fuzzy-completions
+ [string default-package-name
+ _limit limit _time-limit-in-msec time-limit-in-msec]
+ (let [[xs x] (fuzzy-completion-set string default-package-name
+ limit time-limit-in-msec)]
+ (list
+ (map (fn [[symbol score chunks class]]
+ (list symbol score (map (partial apply list) chunks) class))
+ xs)
+ (when x 't))))
+(defslimefn fuzzy-completion-selected [_ _] nil)
+ (do
+ (use '[clojure.test])
+ (is (= '(([0 "m"] [9 "v"] [15 "b"]))
+ (compute-most-completions "mvb" "multiple-value-bind")))
+ (is (= '(([0 "zz"]) ([0 "z"] [2 "z"]) ([1 "zz"]))
+ (compute-most-completions "zz" "zzz")))
+ (is (= 103
+ (binding [*fuzzy-recursion-soft-limit* 2]
+ (count
+ (compute-most-completions "ZZZZZZ" "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ")))))
+ (are [x p s] (= x (score-completion [[p s]] s "*multiple-value+"))
+ '[10.625 (((10 [0 "*"])) 0.625)] 0 "*" ;; at-beginning
+ '[10.625 (((10 [1 "m"])) 0.625)] 1 "m" ;; after-prefix
+ '[1.625 (((1 [9 "-"])) 0.625)] 9 "-" ;; word-sep
+ '[8.625 (((8 [10 "v"])) 0.625)] 10 "v" ;; after-word-sep
+ '[6.625 (((6 [15 "+"])) 0.625)] 15 "+" ;; at-end
+ '[6.625 (((6 [14 "e"])) 0.625)] 14 "e" ;; before-suffix
+ '[1.625 (((1 [2 "u"])) 0.625)] 2 "u" ;; other
+ )
+ (is (= (+ 10 ;; m's score
+ (+ (* 10 0.85) (Math/pow 1.2 1))) ;; u's score
+ (let [[_ x]
+ (score-completion [[1 "mu"]] "mu" "*multiple-value+")]
+ ((comp first ffirst) x)))
+ "`m''s score + `u''s score (percentage of previous which is 'm''s)")
+ (is (= '[([0 "zz"]) 24.7]
+ (compute-highest-scoring-completion "zz" "zzz")))
+ (are [to? ret to proc] (= [ret to?]
+ (let [[x y _] (call-with-timeout to proc)]
+ [x y]))
+ false "r" 10 (fn [_] "r")
+ true nil 1 (fn [_] (Thread/sleep 10) nil))
+ (are [symbol package input] (= [symbol package]
+ (fuzzy-extract-matching-info
+ (struct fuzzy-matching
+ true nil
+ "symbol" "ns-name"
+ nil nil nil)
+ input))
+ "symbol" "ns-name" "p/*"
+ "symbol" nil "*")
+ (is (= ["" "ns-name"]
+ (fuzzy-extract-matching-info
+ (struct fuzzy-matching
+ nil nil
+ "ns-name" ""
+ nil nil nil)
+ "")))
+ (defmacro try! #^{:private true}
+ [& body]
+ `(do
+ ~@(map (fn [x] `(try ~x (catch Throwable ~'_ nil)))
+ body)))
+ (try
+ (def testing-testing0 't)
+ (def #^{:private true} testing-testing1 't)
+ (are [x external-only?] (= x
+ (vec
+ (sort
+ (map (comp str :symbol)
+ (fuzzy-find-matching-vars
+ "testing" *ns*
+ (fn [[k v]]
+ (and (= ((comp :ns meta) v) *ns*)
+ (re-find #"^testing-"
+ (str k))))
+ external-only?)))))
+ ["testing-testing0" "testing-testing1"] nil
+ ["testing-testing0"] true)
+ (finally
+ (try!
+ (ns-unmap *ns* 'testing-testing0)
+ (ns-unmap *ns* 'testing-testing1))))
+ (try
+ (create-ns 'testing-testing0)
+ (create-ns 'testing-testing1)
+ (is (= '["testing-testing0" "testing-testing1"]
+ (vec
+ (sort
+ (map (comp str :symbol)
+ (fuzzy-find-matching-nss "testing-"))))))
+ (finally
+ (try!
+ (remove-ns 'testing-testing0)
+ (remove-ns 'testing-testing1))))
+ )
+ )