path: root/vim/bundle/slimv/slime/contrib/swank-repl.lisp
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1 files changed, 450 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/slimv/slime/contrib/swank-repl.lisp b/vim/bundle/slimv/slime/contrib/swank-repl.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bed5f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/slimv/slime/contrib/swank-repl.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+;;; swank-repl.lisp --- Server side part of the Lisp listener.
+;; License: public domain
+(in-package swank)
+(defpackage swank-repl
+ (:use cl swank/backend)
+ (:export *send-repl-results-function*)
+ (:import-from
+ swank
+ *default-worker-thread-bindings*
+ *loopback-interface*
+ add-hook
+ *connection-closed-hook*
+ eval-region
+ with-buffer-syntax
+ connection
+ connection.socket-io
+ connection.repl-results
+ connection.user-input
+ connection.user-output
+ connection.user-io
+ connection.trace-output
+ connection.dedicated-output
+ connection.env
+ multithreaded-connection
+ mconn.repl-thread
+ use-threads-p
+ *emacs-connection*
+ default-connection
+ with-connection
+ send-to-emacs
+ *communication-style*
+ handle-requests
+ wait-for-event
+ make-tag
+ thread-for-evaluation
+ socket-quest
+ authenticate-client
+ encode-message
+ auto-flush-loop
+ clear-user-input
+ current-thread-id
+ cat
+ with-struct*
+ with-retry-restart
+ with-bindings
+ package-string-for-prompt
+ find-external-format-or-lose
+ defslimefun
+ ;; FIXME: those should be exported from swank-repl only, but how to
+ ;; do that whithout breaking init files?
+ *use-dedicated-output-stream*
+ *dedicated-output-stream-port*
+ *globally-redirect-io*
+ ))
+(in-package swank-repl)
+(defvar *use-dedicated-output-stream* nil
+ "When T swank will attempt to create a second connection to Emacs
+which is used just to send output.")
+(defvar *dedicated-output-stream-port* 0
+ "Which port we should use for the dedicated output stream.")
+(defvar *dedicated-output-stream-buffering*
+ (if (eq *communication-style* :spawn) t nil)
+ "The buffering scheme that should be used for the output stream.
+Valid values are nil, t, :line")
+(defvar *globally-redirect-io* nil
+ "When non-nil globally redirect all standard streams to Emacs.")
+(defun open-streams (connection properties)
+ "Return the 5 streams for IO redirection:
+ (let* ((input-fn
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-connection (connection)
+ (with-simple-restart (abort-read
+ "Abort reading input from Emacs.")
+ (read-user-input-from-emacs)))))
+ (dedicated-output (if *use-dedicated-output-stream*
+ (open-dedicated-output-stream
+ connection
+ (getf properties :coding-system))))
+ (in (make-input-stream input-fn))
+ (out (or dedicated-output
+ (make-output-stream (make-output-function connection))))
+ (io (make-two-way-stream in out))
+ (repl-results (make-output-stream-for-target connection
+ :repl-result)))
+ (typecase connection
+ (multithreaded-connection
+ (setf ( connection)
+ (spawn (lambda () (auto-flush-loop out))
+ :name "auto-flush-thread"))))
+ (values dedicated-output in out io repl-results)))
+(defun make-output-function (connection)
+ "Create function to send user output to Emacs."
+ (lambda (string)
+ (with-connection (connection)
+ (send-to-emacs `(:write-string ,string)))))
+(defun make-output-function-for-target (connection target)
+ "Create a function to send user output to a specific TARGET in Emacs."
+ (lambda (string)
+ (with-connection (connection)
+ (with-simple-restart
+ (abort "Abort sending output to Emacs.")
+ (send-to-emacs `(:write-string ,string ,target))))))
+(defun make-output-stream-for-target (connection target)
+ "Create a stream that sends output to a specific TARGET in Emacs."
+ (make-output-stream (make-output-function-for-target connection target)))
+(defun open-dedicated-output-stream (connection coding-system)
+ "Open a dedicated output connection to the Emacs on SOCKET-IO.
+Return an output stream suitable for writing program output.
+This is an optimized way for Lisp to deliver output to Emacs."
+ (let ((socket (socket-quest *dedicated-output-stream-port* nil))
+ (ef (find-external-format-or-lose coding-system)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (let ((port (local-port socket)))
+ (encode-message `(:open-dedicated-output-stream ,port
+ ,coding-system)
+ (connection.socket-io connection))
+ (let ((dedicated (accept-connection
+ socket
+ :external-format ef
+ :buffering *dedicated-output-stream-buffering*
+ :timeout 30)))
+ (authenticate-client dedicated)
+ (close-socket socket)
+ (setf socket nil)
+ dedicated))
+ (when socket
+ (close-socket socket)))))
+(defmethod thread-for-evaluation ((connection multithreaded-connection)
+ (id (eql :find-existing)))
+ (or (car ( connection))
+ (find-repl-thread connection)))
+(defmethod thread-for-evaluation ((connection multithreaded-connection)
+ (id (eql :repl-thread)))
+ (find-repl-thread connection))
+(defun find-repl-thread (connection)
+ (cond ((not (use-threads-p))
+ (current-thread))
+ (t
+ (let ((thread (mconn.repl-thread connection)))
+ (cond ((not thread) nil)
+ ((thread-alive-p thread) thread)
+ (t
+ (setf (mconn.repl-thread connection)
+ (spawn-repl-thread connection "new-repl-thread"))))))))
+(defun spawn-repl-thread (connection name)
+ (spawn (lambda ()
+ (with-bindings *default-worker-thread-bindings*
+ (repl-loop connection)))
+ :name name))
+(defun repl-loop (connection)
+ (handle-requests connection))
+;;;;; Redirection during requests
+;;; We always redirect the standard streams to Emacs while evaluating
+;;; an RPC. This is done with simple dynamic bindings.
+(defslimefun create-repl (target &key coding-system)
+ (assert (eq target nil))
+ (let ((conn *emacs-connection*))
+ (initialize-streams-for-connection conn `(:coding-system ,coding-system))
+ (with-struct* (connection. @ conn)
+ (setf (@ env)
+ `((*standard-input* . ,(@ user-input))
+ ,@(unless *globally-redirect-io*
+ `((*standard-output* . ,(@ user-output))
+ (*trace-output* . ,(or (@ trace-output) (@ user-output)))
+ (*error-output* . ,(@ user-output))
+ (*debug-io* . ,(@ user-io))
+ (*query-io* . ,(@ user-io))
+ (*terminal-io* . ,(@ user-io))))))
+ (maybe-redirect-global-io conn)
+ (add-hook *connection-closed-hook* 'update-redirection-after-close)
+ (typecase conn
+ (multithreaded-connection
+ (setf (mconn.repl-thread conn)
+ (spawn-repl-thread conn "repl-thread"))))
+ (list (package-name *package*)
+ (package-string-for-prompt *package*)))))
+(defun initialize-streams-for-connection (connection properties)
+ (multiple-value-bind (dedicated in out io repl-results)
+ (open-streams connection properties)
+ (setf (connection.dedicated-output connection) dedicated
+ (connection.user-io connection) io
+ (connection.user-output connection) out
+ (connection.user-input connection) in
+ (connection.repl-results connection) repl-results)
+ connection))
+(defun read-user-input-from-emacs ()
+ (let ((tag (make-tag)))
+ (force-output)
+ (send-to-emacs `(:read-string ,(current-thread-id) ,tag))
+ (let ((ok nil))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (prog1 (caddr (wait-for-event `(:emacs-return-string ,tag value)))
+ (setq ok t))
+ (unless ok
+ (send-to-emacs `(:read-aborted ,(current-thread-id) ,tag)))))))
+;;;;; Listener eval
+(defvar *listener-eval-function* 'repl-eval)
+(defvar *listener-saved-value* nil)
+(defslimefun listener-save-value (slimefun &rest args)
+ "Apply SLIMEFUN to ARGS and save the value.
+The saved value should be visible to all threads and retrieved via
+ (setq *listener-saved-value* (apply slimefun args))
+ t)
+(defslimefun listener-get-value ()
+ "Get the last value saved by LISTENER-SAVE-VALUE.
+The value should be produced as if it were requested through
+LISTENER-EVAL directly, so that spacial variables *, etc are set."
+ (listener-eval (let ((*package* (find-package :keyword)))
+ (write-to-string '*listener-saved-value*))))
+(defslimefun listener-eval (string &key (window-width nil window-width-p))
+ (if window-width-p
+ (let ((*print-right-margin* window-width))
+ (funcall *listener-eval-function* string))
+ (funcall *listener-eval-function* string)))
+(defslimefun clear-repl-variables ()
+ (let ((variables '(*** ** * /// // / +++ ++ +)))
+ (loop for variable in variables
+ do (setf (symbol-value variable) nil))))
+(defvar *send-repl-results-function* 'send-repl-results-to-emacs)
+(defun repl-eval (string)
+ (clear-user-input)
+ (with-buffer-syntax ()
+ (with-retry-restart (:msg "Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request.")
+ (track-package
+ (lambda ()
+ (multiple-value-bind (values last-form) (eval-region string)
+ (setq *** ** ** * * (car values)
+ /// // // / / values
+ +++ ++ ++ + + last-form)
+ (funcall *send-repl-results-function* values))))))
+ nil)
+(defun track-package (fun)
+ (let ((p *package*))
+ (unwind-protect (funcall fun)
+ (unless (eq *package* p)
+ (send-to-emacs (list :new-package (package-name *package*)
+ (package-string-for-prompt *package*)))))))
+(defun send-repl-results-to-emacs (values)
+ (finish-output)
+ (if (null values)
+ (send-to-emacs `(:write-string "; No value" :repl-result))
+ (dolist (v values)
+ (send-to-emacs `(:write-string ,(cat (prin1-to-string v) #\newline)
+ :repl-result)))))
+(defslimefun redirect-trace-output (target)
+ (setf (connection.trace-output *emacs-connection*)
+ (make-output-stream-for-target *emacs-connection* target))
+ nil)
+;;;; IO to Emacs
+;;; This code handles redirection of the standard I/O streams
+;;; (`*standard-output*', etc) into Emacs. The `connection' structure
+;;; contains the appropriate streams, so all we have to do is make the
+;;; right bindings.
+;;;;; Global I/O redirection framework
+;;; Optionally, the top-level global bindings of the standard streams
+;;; can be assigned to be redirected to Emacs. When Emacs connects we
+;;; redirect the streams into the connection, and they keep going into
+;;; that connection even if more are established. If the connection
+;;; handling the streams closes then another is chosen, or if there
+;;; are no connections then we revert to the original (real) streams.
+;;; It is slightly tricky to assign the global values of standard
+;;; streams because they are often shadowed by dynamic bindings. We
+;;; solve this problem by introducing an extra indirection via synonym
+;;; streams, so that *STANDARD-INPUT* is a synonym stream to
+;;; *CURRENT-STANDARD-INPUT*, etc. We never shadow the "current"
+;;; variables, so they can always be assigned to affect a global
+;;; change.
+;;;;; Global redirection setup
+(defvar *saved-global-streams* '()
+ "A plist to save and restore redirected stream objects.
+E.g. the value for '*standard-output* holds the stream object
+for *standard-output* before we install our redirection.")
+(defun setup-stream-indirection (stream-var &optional stream)
+ "Setup redirection scaffolding for a global stream variable.
+Supposing (for example) STREAM-VAR is *STANDARD-INPUT*, this macro:
+1. Saves the value of *STANDARD-INPUT* in `*SAVED-GLOBAL-STREAMS*'.
+2. Creates *CURRENT-STANDARD-INPUT*, initially with the same value as
+3. Assigns *STANDARD-INPUT* to a synonym stream pointing to
+This has the effect of making *CURRENT-STANDARD-INPUT* contain the
+effective global value for *STANDARD-INPUT*. This way we can assign
+the effective global value even when *STANDARD-INPUT* is shadowed by a
+dynamic binding."
+ (let ((current-stream-var (prefixed-var '#:current stream-var))
+ (stream (or stream (symbol-value stream-var))))
+ ;; Save the real stream value for the future.
+ (setf (getf *saved-global-streams* stream-var) stream)
+ ;; Define a new variable for the effective stream.
+ ;; This can be reassigned.
+ (proclaim `(special ,current-stream-var))
+ (set current-stream-var stream)
+ ;; Assign the real binding as a synonym for the current one.
+ (let ((stream (make-synonym-stream current-stream-var)))
+ (set stream-var stream)
+ (set-default-initial-binding stream-var `(quote ,stream)))))
+(defun prefixed-var (prefix variable-symbol)
+ (let ((basename (subseq (symbol-name variable-symbol) 1)))
+ (intern (format nil "*~A-~A" (string prefix) basename) :swank)))
+(defvar *standard-output-streams*
+ '(*standard-output* *error-output* *trace-output*)
+ "The symbols naming standard output streams.")
+(defvar *standard-input-streams*
+ '(*standard-input*)
+ "The symbols naming standard input streams.")
+(defvar *standard-io-streams*
+ '(*debug-io* *query-io* *terminal-io*)
+ "The symbols naming standard io streams.")
+(defun init-global-stream-redirection ()
+ (when *globally-redirect-io*
+ (cond (*saved-global-streams*
+ (warn "Streams already redirected."))
+ (t
+ (mapc #'setup-stream-indirection
+ (append *standard-output-streams*
+ *standard-input-streams*
+ *standard-io-streams*))))))
+(defun globally-redirect-io-to-connection (connection)
+ "Set the standard I/O streams to redirect to CONNECTION.
+Assigns *CURRENT-<STREAM>* for all standard streams."
+ (dolist (o *standard-output-streams*)
+ (set (prefixed-var '#:current o)
+ (connection.user-output connection)))
+ ;; FIXME: If we redirect standard input to Emacs then we get the
+ ;; regular Lisp top-level trying to read from our REPL.
+ ;;
+ ;; Perhaps the ideal would be for the real top-level to run in a
+ ;; thread with local bindings for all the standard streams. Failing
+ ;; that we probably would like to inhibit it from reading while
+ ;; Emacs is connected.
+ ;;
+ ;; Meanwhile we just leave *standard-input* alone.
+ #+NIL
+ (dolist (i *standard-input-streams*)
+ (set (prefixed-var '#:current i)
+ (connection.user-input connection)))
+ (dolist (io *standard-io-streams*)
+ (set (prefixed-var '#:current io)
+ (connection.user-io connection))))
+(defun revert-global-io-redirection ()
+ "Set *CURRENT-<STREAM>* to *REAL-<STREAM>* for all standard streams."
+ (dolist (stream-var (append *standard-output-streams*
+ *standard-input-streams*
+ *standard-io-streams*))
+ (set (prefixed-var '#:current stream-var)
+ (getf *saved-global-streams* stream-var))))
+;;;;; Global redirection hooks
+(defvar *global-stdio-connection* nil
+ "The connection to which standard I/O streams are globally redirected.
+NIL if streams are not globally redirected.")
+(defun maybe-redirect-global-io (connection)
+ "Consider globally redirecting to CONNECTION."
+ (when (and *globally-redirect-io* (null *global-stdio-connection*)
+ (connection.user-io connection))
+ (unless *saved-global-streams*
+ (init-global-stream-redirection))
+ (setq *global-stdio-connection* connection)
+ (globally-redirect-io-to-connection connection)))
+(defun update-redirection-after-close (closed-connection)
+ "Update redirection after a connection closes."
+ (check-type closed-connection connection)
+ (when (eq *global-stdio-connection* closed-connection)
+ (if (and (default-connection) *globally-redirect-io*)
+ ;; Redirect to another connection.
+ (globally-redirect-io-to-connection (default-connection))
+ ;; No more connections, revert to the real streams.
+ (progn (revert-global-io-redirection)
+ (setq *global-stdio-connection* nil)))))
+(provide :swank-repl)