path: root/vim/bundle/slimv/slime/contrib/swank-trace-dialog.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/slimv/slime/contrib/swank-trace-dialog.lisp')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/slimv/slime/contrib/swank-trace-dialog.lisp b/vim/bundle/slimv/slime/contrib/swank-trace-dialog.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cf95fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/slimv/slime/contrib/swank-trace-dialog.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+(defpackage :swank-trace-dialog
+ (:use :cl)
+ (:import-from :swank :defslimefun :from-string :to-string)
+ (:export #:clear-trace-tree
+ #:dialog-toggle-trace
+ #:dialog-trace
+ #:dialog-traced-p
+ #:dialog-untrace
+ #:dialog-untrace-all
+ #:inspect-trace-part
+ #:report-partial-tree
+ #:report-specs
+ #:report-total
+ #:report-trace-detail
+ #:report-specs
+ #:trace-format
+ #:still-inside
+ #:exited-non-locally
+ #:*record-backtrace*
+ #:*traces-per-report*
+ #:*dialog-trace-follows-trace*
+ #:find-trace-part
+ #:find-trace))
+(in-package :swank-trace-dialog)
+(defparameter *record-backtrace* nil
+ "Record a backtrace of the last 20 calls for each trace.
+Beware that this may have a drastic performance impact on your
+(defparameter *traces-per-report* 150
+ "Number of traces to report to emacs in each batch.")
+;;;; `trace-entry' model
+(defvar *traces* (make-array 1000 :fill-pointer 0
+ :adjustable t))
+(defvar *trace-lock* (swank/backend:make-lock :name "swank-trace-dialog lock"))
+(defvar *current-trace-by-thread* (make-hash-table))
+(defclass trace-entry ()
+ ((id :reader id-of)
+ (children :accessor children-of :initform nil)
+ (backtrace :accessor backtrace-of :initform (when *record-backtrace*
+ (useful-backtrace)))
+ (spec :initarg :spec :accessor spec-of
+ :initform (error "must provide a spec"))
+ (args :initarg :args :accessor args-of
+ :initform (error "must provide args"))
+ (parent :initarg :parent :reader parent-of
+ :initform (error "must provide a parent, even if nil"))
+ (retlist :initarg :retlist :accessor retlist-of
+ :initform 'still-inside)))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((entry trace-entry) &rest initargs)
+ (declare (ignore initargs))
+ (if (parent-of entry)
+ (nconc (children-of (parent-of entry)) (list entry)))
+ (swank/backend:call-with-lock-held
+ *trace-lock*
+ #'(lambda ()
+ (setf (slot-value entry 'id) (fill-pointer *traces*))
+ (vector-push-extend entry *traces*))))
+(defmethod print-object ((entry trace-entry) stream)
+ (print-unreadable-object (entry stream)
+ (format stream "~a: ~a" (id-of entry) (spec-of entry))))
+(defun completed-p (trace) (not (eq (retlist-of trace) 'still-inside)))
+(defun find-trace (id)
+ (when (<= 0 id (1- (length *traces*)))
+ (aref *traces* id)))
+(defun find-trace-part (id part-id type)
+ (let* ((trace (find-trace id))
+ (l (and trace
+ (ecase type
+ (:arg (args-of trace))
+ (:retval (swank::ensure-list (retlist-of trace)))))))
+ (values (nth part-id l)
+ (< part-id (length l)))))
+(defun useful-backtrace ()
+ (swank/backend:call-with-debugging-environment
+ #'(lambda ()
+ (loop for i from 0
+ for frame in (swank/backend:compute-backtrace 0 20)
+ collect (list i (swank::frame-to-string frame))))))
+(defun current-trace ()
+ (gethash (swank/backend:current-thread) *current-trace-by-thread*))
+(defun (setf current-trace) (trace)
+ (setf (gethash (swank/backend:current-thread) *current-trace-by-thread*)
+ trace))
+;;;; Control of traced specs
+(defvar *traced-specs* '())
+(defslimefun dialog-trace (spec)
+ (flet ((before-hook (args)
+ (setf (current-trace) (make-instance 'trace-entry
+ :spec spec
+ :args args
+ :parent (current-trace))))
+ (after-hook (retlist)
+ (let ((trace (current-trace)))
+ (when trace
+ ;; the current trace might have been wiped away if the
+ ;; user cleared the tree in the meantime. no biggie,
+ ;; don't do anything.
+ ;;
+ (setf (retlist-of trace) retlist
+ (current-trace) (parent-of trace))))))
+ (when (dialog-traced-p spec)
+ (warn "~a is apparently already traced! Untracing and retracing." spec)
+ (dialog-untrace spec))
+ (swank/backend:wrap spec 'trace-dialog
+ :before #'before-hook
+ :after #'after-hook)
+ (pushnew spec *traced-specs*)
+ (format nil "~a is now traced for trace dialog" spec)))
+(defslimefun dialog-untrace (spec)
+ (swank/backend:unwrap spec 'trace-dialog)
+ (setq *traced-specs* (remove spec *traced-specs* :test #'equal))
+ (format nil "~a is now untraced for trace dialog" spec))
+(defslimefun dialog-toggle-trace (spec)
+ (if (dialog-traced-p spec)
+ (dialog-untrace spec)
+ (dialog-trace spec)))
+(defslimefun dialog-traced-p (spec)
+ (find spec *traced-specs* :test #'equal))
+(defslimefun dialog-untrace-all ()
+ (untrace)
+ (mapcar #'dialog-untrace *traced-specs*))
+(defparameter *dialog-trace-follows-trace* nil)
+(setq swank:*after-toggle-trace-hook*
+ #'(lambda (spec traced-p)
+ (when *dialog-trace-follows-trace*
+ (cond (traced-p
+ (dialog-trace spec)
+ "traced for trace dialog as well")
+ (t
+ (dialog-untrace spec)
+ "untraced for the trace dialog as well")))))
+;;;; A special kind of trace call
+(defun trace-format (format-spec &rest format-args)
+ "Make a string from FORMAT-SPEC and FORMAT-ARGS and as a trace."
+ (let* ((line (apply #'format nil format-spec format-args)))
+ (make-instance 'trace-entry :spec line
+ :args format-args
+ :parent (current-trace)
+ :retlist nil)))
+;;;; Reporting to emacs
+(defparameter *visitor-idx* 0)
+(defparameter *visitor-key* nil)
+(defvar *unfinished-traces* '())
+(defun describe-trace-for-emacs (trace)
+ `(,(id-of trace)
+ ,(and (parent-of trace) (id-of (parent-of trace)))
+ ,(spec-of trace)
+ ,(loop for arg in (args-of trace)
+ for i from 0
+ collect (list i (swank::to-line arg)))
+ ,(loop for retval in (swank::ensure-list (retlist-of trace))
+ for i from 0
+ collect (list i (swank::to-line retval)))))
+(defslimefun report-partial-tree (key)
+ (unless (equal key *visitor-key*)
+ (setq *visitor-idx* 0
+ *visitor-key* key))
+ (let* ((recently-finished
+ (loop with i = 0
+ for trace in *unfinished-traces*
+ while (< i *traces-per-report*)
+ when (completed-p trace)
+ collect trace
+ and do
+ (incf i)
+ (setq *unfinished-traces*
+ (remove trace *unfinished-traces*))))
+ (new (loop for i
+ from (length recently-finished)
+ below *traces-per-report*
+ while (< *visitor-idx* (length *traces*))
+ for trace = (aref *traces* *visitor-idx*)
+ collect trace
+ unless (completed-p trace)
+ do (push trace *unfinished-traces*)
+ do (incf *visitor-idx*))))
+ (list
+ (mapcar #'describe-trace-for-emacs
+ (append recently-finished new))
+ (- (length *traces*) *visitor-idx*)
+ key)))
+(defslimefun report-trace-detail (trace-id)
+ (swank::call-with-bindings
+ swank::*inspector-printer-bindings*
+ #'(lambda ()
+ (let ((trace (find-trace trace-id)))
+ (when trace
+ (append
+ (describe-trace-for-emacs trace)
+ (list (backtrace-of trace)
+ (swank::to-line trace))))))))
+(defslimefun report-specs ()
+ (sort (copy-list *traced-specs*)
+ #'string<
+ :key #'princ-to-string))
+(defslimefun report-total ()
+ (length *traces*))
+(defslimefun clear-trace-tree ()
+ (setf *current-trace-by-thread* (clrhash *current-trace-by-thread*)
+ *visitor-key* nil
+ *unfinished-traces* nil)
+ (swank/backend:call-with-lock-held
+ *trace-lock*
+ #'(lambda () (setf (fill-pointer *traces*) 0)))
+ nil)
+;; HACK: `swank::*inspector-history*' is unbound by default and needs
+;; a reset in that case so that it won't error `swank::inspect-object'
+;; before any other object is inspected in the slime session.
+(unless (boundp 'swank::*inspector-history*)
+ (swank::reset-inspector))
+(defslimefun inspect-trace-part (trace-id part-id type)
+ (multiple-value-bind (obj found)
+ (find-trace-part trace-id part-id type)
+ (if found
+ (swank::inspect-object obj)
+ (error "No object found with ~a, ~a and ~a" trace-id part-id type))))
+(provide :swank-trace-dialog)