path: root/vim/bundle/slimv/swank-clojure/swank/commands/contrib/swank_arglists.clj
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Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/slimv/swank-clojure/swank/commands/contrib/swank_arglists.clj')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/slimv/swank-clojure/swank/commands/contrib/swank_arglists.clj b/vim/bundle/slimv/swank-clojure/swank/commands/contrib/swank_arglists.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..232a116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/slimv/swank-clojure/swank/commands/contrib/swank_arglists.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+(ns swank.commands.contrib.swank-arglists
+ (:use (swank util core commands)))
+((slime-fn 'swank-require) :swank-c-p-c)
+;;; pos starts at 1 bc 0 is function name
+(defn position-in-arglist? [arglist pos]
+ (or (some #(= '& %) arglist)
+ (<= pos (count arglist))))
+;; (position-in-arglist? '[x y] 2)
+;; => true
+(defn highlight-position [arglist pos]
+ (if (zero? pos)
+ arglist
+ ;; i.e. not rest args
+ (let [num-normal-args (count (take-while #(not= % '&) arglist))]
+ (if (<= pos num-normal-args)
+ (into [] (concat (take (dec pos) arglist)
+ '(===>)
+ (list (nth arglist (dec pos)))
+ '(<===)
+ (drop pos arglist)))
+ (let [rest-arg? (some #(= % '&) arglist)]
+ (if rest-arg?
+ (into [] (concat (take-while #(not= % '&) arglist)
+ '(===>)
+ '(&)
+ (list (last arglist))
+ '(<===)))))))))
+;; (highlight-position '[x y] 0)
+;; => [===> x <=== y]
+(defn highlight-arglists [arglists pos]
+ (let [arglists (read-string arglists)]
+ (loop [checked []
+ current (first arglists)
+ remaining (rest arglists)]
+ (if (position-in-arglist? current pos)
+ (apply list (concat checked
+ [(highlight-position current pos)]
+ remaining))
+ (when (seq remaining)
+ (recur (conj checked current)
+ (first remaining)
+ (rest remaining)))))))
+;; (highlight-arglists "([x] [x & more])" 1)
+;; => ([===> x <===] [x & more])
+;;(defmacro dbg[x] `(let [x# ~x] (println '~x "->" x#) x#))
+(defn defnk-arglists? [arglists]
+ (and (not (nil? arglists ))
+ (not (vector? (first (read-string arglists))))))
+(defn fix-defnk-arglists [arglists]
+ (str (list (into [] (read-string arglists)))))
+(defn arglists-for-fname-lookup [fname]
+ ((slime-fn 'operator-arglist) fname *current-package*))
+(defn arglists-for-fname [fname]
+ (let [arglists (arglists-for-fname-lookup fname)]
+ ;; defnk's arglists format is (a b) instead of ([a b])
+ (if (defnk-arglists? arglists)
+ (fix-defnk-arglists arglists)
+ arglists)))
+(defn message-format [cmd arglists pos]
+ (str (when cmd (str cmd ": "))
+ (when arglists
+ (if pos
+ (highlight-arglists arglists pos)
+ arglists))))
+(defn handle-apply [raw-specs pos]
+ (let [fname (second (first raw-specs))]
+ (message-format fname (arglists-for-fname fname) (dec pos))))
+(defslimefn arglist-for-echo-area [raw-specs & options]
+ (let [{:keys [arg-indices
+ print-right-margin
+ print-lines]} (apply hash-map options)]
+ (if-not (and raw-specs
+ (seq? raw-specs)
+ (seq? (first raw-specs)))
+ nil ;; problem?
+ (let [pos (first (second options))
+ top-level? (= 1 (count raw-specs))
+ parent-pos (when-not top-level?
+ (second (second options)))
+ fname (ffirst raw-specs)
+ parent-fname (when-not top-level?
+ (first (second raw-specs)))
+ arglists (arglists-for-fname fname)
+ inside-binding? (and (not top-level?)
+ (#{"let" "binding" "doseq" "for" "loop"}
+ parent-fname)
+ (= 1 parent-pos))]
+;; (dbg raw-specs)
+;; (dbg options)
+ (cond
+ ;; display arglists for function being applied unless on top of apply
+ (and (= fname "apply") (not= pos 0)) (handle-apply raw-specs pos)
+ ;; highlight binding inside binding forms unless >1 level deep
+ inside-binding? (message-format parent-fname
+ (arglists-for-fname parent-fname)
+ 1)
+ :else (message-format fname arglists pos))))))
+(defslimefn variable-desc-for-echo-area [variable-name]
+ (with-emacs-package
+ (or
+ (try
+ (when-let [sym (read-string variable-name)]
+ (when-let [var (resolve sym)]
+ (when (.isBound #^clojure.lang.Var var)
+ (str variable-name " => " (var-get var)))))
+ (catch Exception e nil))
+ "")))