path: root/vim/bundle/slimv/swank-clojure/swank/core.clj
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/slimv/swank-clojure/swank/core.clj')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/slimv/swank-clojure/swank/core.clj b/vim/bundle/slimv/swank-clojure/swank/core.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..892b6a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/slimv/swank-clojure/swank/core.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+(ns swank.core
+ (:use (swank util commands)
+ (swank.util hooks)
+ (swank.util.concurrent thread)
+ (swank.core connection hooks threadmap))
+ (:require (swank.util.concurrent [mbox :as mb])))
+;; Protocol version
+(defonce protocol-version (atom "20100404"))
+;; Emacs packages
+(def #^{:dynamic true} *current-package*)
+;; current emacs eval id
+(def #^{:dynamic true} *pending-continuations* '())
+(def sldb-stepping-p nil)
+(def sldb-initial-frames 10)
+(def #^{:dynamic true} #^{:doc "The current level of recursive debugging."}
+ *sldb-level* 0)
+(def #^{:dynamic true} #^{:doc "The current restarts."}
+ *sldb-restarts* 0)
+(def #^{:doc "Include swank-clojure thread in stack trace for debugger."}
+ debug-swank-clojure false)
+(defonce active-threads (ref ()))
+(defn maybe-ns [package]
+ (cond
+ (symbol? package) (or (find-ns package) (maybe-ns 'user))
+ (string? package) (maybe-ns (symbol package))
+ (keyword? package) (maybe-ns (name package))
+ (instance? clojure.lang.Namespace package) package
+ :else (maybe-ns 'user)))
+(defmacro with-emacs-package [& body]
+ `(binding [*ns* (maybe-ns *current-package*)]
+ ~@body))
+(defmacro with-package-tracking [& body]
+ `(let [last-ns# *ns*]
+ (try
+ ~@body
+ (finally
+ (when-not (= last-ns# *ns*)
+ (send-to-emacs `(:new-package ~(str (ns-name *ns*))
+ ~(str (ns-name *ns*)))))))))
+(defmacro dothread-swank [& body]
+ `(dothread-keeping-clj [*current-connection*]
+ ~@body))
+;; Exceptions for debugging
+(defonce debug-quit-exception (Exception. "Debug quit"))
+(defonce debug-continue-exception (Exception. "Debug continue"))
+(defonce debug-abort-exception (Exception. "Debug abort"))
+(def #^{:dynamic true} #^Throwable *current-exception* nil)
+;; Local environment
+(def #^{:dynamic true} *current-env* nil)
+(let [&env :unavailable]
+ (defmacro local-bindings
+ "Produces a map of the names of local bindings to their values."
+ []
+ (if-not (= &env :unavailable)
+ (let [symbols (keys &env)]
+ (zipmap (map (fn [sym] `(quote ~sym)) symbols) symbols)))))
+;; Handle Evaluation
+(defn send-to-emacs
+ "Sends a message (msg) to emacs."
+ ([msg]
+ (mb/send @(*current-connection* :control-thread) msg)))
+(defn send-repl-results-to-emacs [val]
+ (send-to-emacs `(:write-string ~(str (pr-str val) "\n") :repl-result)))
+(defn with-env-locals
+ "Evals a form with given locals. The locals should be a map of symbols to
+ [form]
+ (if (seq *current-env*)
+ `(let ~(vec (mapcat #(list % `(*current-env* '~%)) (keys *current-env*)))
+ ~form)
+ form))
+(defn eval-in-emacs-package [form]
+ (with-emacs-package
+ (eval form)))
+(defn eval-from-control
+ "Blocks for a mbox message from the control thread and executes it
+ when received. The mbox message is expected to be a slime-fn."
+ ([] (let [form (mb/receive (current-thread))]
+ (apply (ns-resolve *ns* (first form)) (rest form)))))
+(defn eval-loop
+ "A loop which continuosly reads actions from the control thread and
+ evaluates them (will block if no mbox message is available)."
+ ([] (continuously (eval-from-control))))
+(defn exception-causes [#^Throwable t]
+ (lazy-seq
+ (cons t (when-let [cause (.getCause t)]
+ (exception-causes cause)))))
+(defn- debug-quit-exception? [t]
+ (some #(identical? debug-quit-exception %) (exception-causes t)))
+(defn- debug-continue-exception? [t]
+ (some #(identical? debug-continue-exception %) (exception-causes t)))
+(defn- debug-abort-exception? [t]
+ (some #(identical? debug-abort-exception %) (exception-causes t)))
+(defn exception-stacktrace [t]
+ (map #(list %1 %2 '(:restartable nil))
+ (iterate inc 0)
+ (map str (.getStackTrace t))))
+(defn debugger-condition-for-emacs []
+ (list (or (.getMessage *current-exception*) "No message.")
+ (str " [Thrown " (class *current-exception*) "]")
+ nil))
+(defn make-restart [kw name description f]
+ [kw [name description f]])
+(defn add-restart-if [condition restarts kw name description f]
+ (if condition
+ (conj restarts (make-restart kw name description f))
+ restarts))
+(declare sldb-debug)
+(defn cause-restart-for [thrown depth]
+ (make-restart
+ (keyword (str "cause" depth))
+ (str "CAUSE" depth)
+ (str "Invoke debugger on cause "
+ (apply str (take depth (repeat " ")))
+ (.getMessage thrown)
+ " [Thrown " (class thrown) "]")
+ (partial sldb-debug nil thrown *pending-continuations*)))
+(defn add-cause-restarts [restarts thrown]
+ (loop [restarts restarts
+ cause (.getCause thrown)
+ level 1]
+ (if cause
+ (recur
+ (conj restarts (cause-restart-for cause level))
+ (.getCause cause)
+ (inc level))
+ restarts)))
+(defn calculate-restarts [thrown]
+ (let [restarts [(make-restart :quit "QUIT" "Quit to the SLIME top level"
+ (fn [] (throw debug-quit-exception)))]
+ restarts (add-restart-if
+ (pos? *sldb-level*)
+ restarts
+ :abort "ABORT" (str "ABORT to SLIME level " (dec *sldb-level*))
+ (fn [] (throw debug-abort-exception)))
+ restarts (add-restart-if
+ (and (.getMessage thrown)
+ (.contains (.getMessage thrown) "BREAK"))
+ restarts
+ :continue "CONTINUE" (str "Continue from breakpoint")
+ (fn [] (throw debug-continue-exception)))
+ restarts (add-cause-restarts restarts thrown)]
+ (into (array-map) restarts)))
+(defn format-restarts-for-emacs []
+ (doall (map #(list (first (second %)) (second (second %))) *sldb-restarts*)))
+(defn build-backtrace [start end]
+ (doall (take (- end start) (drop start (exception-stacktrace *current-exception*)))))
+(defn build-debugger-info-for-emacs [start end]
+ (list (debugger-condition-for-emacs)
+ (format-restarts-for-emacs)
+ (build-backtrace start end)
+ *pending-continuations*))
+(defn sldb-loop
+ "A loop that is intented to take over an eval thread when a debug is
+ encountered (an continue to perform the same thing). It will
+ continue until a *debug-quit* exception is encountered."
+ [level]
+ (try
+ (send-to-emacs
+ (list* :debug (current-thread) level
+ (build-debugger-info-for-emacs 0 sldb-initial-frames)))
+ ([] (continuously
+ (do
+ (send-to-emacs `(:debug-activate ~(current-thread) ~level nil))
+ (eval-from-control))))
+ (catch Throwable t
+ (send-to-emacs
+ `(:debug-return ~(current-thread) ~*sldb-level* ~sldb-stepping-p))
+ (if-not (debug-continue-exception? t)
+ (throw t)))))
+(defn invoke-debugger
+ [locals #^Throwable thrown id]
+ (binding [*current-env* locals
+ *current-exception* thrown
+ *sldb-restarts* (calculate-restarts thrown)
+ *sldb-level* (inc *sldb-level*)]
+ (sldb-loop *sldb-level*)))
+(defn sldb-debug [locals thrown id]
+ (try
+ (invoke-debugger nil thrown id)
+ (catch Throwable t
+ (when (and (pos? *sldb-level*)
+ (not (debug-abort-exception? t)))
+ (throw t)))))
+(defmacro break
+ []
+ `(invoke-debugger (local-bindings) (Exception. "BREAK:") *pending-continuations*))
+(defn doall-seq [coll]
+ (if (seq? coll)
+ (doall coll)
+ coll))
+(defn eval-for-emacs [form buffer-package id]
+ (try
+ (binding [*current-package* buffer-package
+ *pending-continuations* (cons id *pending-continuations*)]
+ (if-let [f (slime-fn (first form))]
+ (let [form (cons f (rest form))
+ result (doall-seq (eval-in-emacs-package form))]
+ (run-hook pre-reply-hook)
+ (send-to-emacs `(:return ~(thread-name (current-thread))
+ (:ok ~result) ~id)))
+ ;; swank function not defined, abort
+ (send-to-emacs `(:return ~(thread-name (current-thread)) (:abort) ~id))))
+ (catch Throwable t
+ ;; Thread/interrupted clears this thread's interrupted status; if
+ ;; Thread.stop was called on us it may be set and will cause an
+ ;; InterruptedException in one of the send-to-emacs calls below
+ (Thread/interrupted)
+ ;; (.printStackTrace t #^ *err*)
+ (cond
+ (debug-quit-exception? t)
+ (do
+ (send-to-emacs `(:return ~(thread-name (current-thread)) (:abort) ~id))
+ (if-not (zero? *sldb-level*)
+ (throw t)))
+ (debug-abort-exception? t)
+ (do
+ (send-to-emacs `(:return ~(thread-name (current-thread)) (:abort) ~id))
+ (if-not (zero? *sldb-level*)
+ (throw debug-abort-exception)))
+ (debug-continue-exception? t)
+ (do
+ (send-to-emacs `(:return ~(thread-name (current-thread)) (:abort) ~id))
+ (throw t))
+ :else
+ (do
+ (set! *e t)
+ (try
+ (sldb-debug
+ nil
+ (if debug-swank-clojure t (or (.getCause t) t))
+ id)
+ ;; reply with abort
+ (finally (send-to-emacs `(:return ~(thread-name (current-thread)) (:abort) ~id)))))))))
+(defn- add-active-thread [thread]
+ (dosync
+ (commute active-threads conj thread)))
+(defn- remove-active-thread [thread]
+ (dosync
+ (commute active-threads (fn [threads] (remove #(= % thread) threads)))))
+(defn spawn-worker-thread
+ "Spawn an thread that blocks for a single command from the control
+ thread, executes it, then terminates."
+ ([conn]
+ (dothread-swank
+ (try
+ (add-active-thread (current-thread))
+ (thread-set-name "Swank Worker Thread")
+ (eval-from-control)
+ (finally
+ (remove-active-thread (current-thread)))))))
+(defn spawn-repl-thread
+ "Spawn an thread that sets itself as the current
+ connection's :repl-thread and then enters an eval-loop"
+ ([conn]
+ (dothread-swank
+ (thread-set-name "Swank REPL Thread")
+ (with-connection conn
+ (eval-loop)))))
+(defn find-or-spawn-repl-thread
+ "Returns the current connection's repl-thread or create a new one if
+ the existing one does not exist."
+ ([conn]
+ ;; TODO - check if an existing repl-agent is still active & doesn't have errors
+ (dosync
+ (or (when-let [conn-repl-thread @(conn :repl-thread)]
+ (when (.isAlive #^Thread conn-repl-thread)
+ conn-repl-thread))
+ (ref-set (conn :repl-thread)
+ (spawn-repl-thread conn))))))
+(defn thread-for-evaluation
+ "Given an id and connection, find or create the appropiate agent."
+ ([id conn]
+ (cond
+ (= id true) (spawn-worker-thread conn)
+ (= id :repl-thread) (find-or-spawn-repl-thread conn)
+ :else (find-thread id))))
+;; Handle control
+(defn read-loop
+ "A loop that reads from the socket (will block when no message
+ available) and dispatches the message to the control thread."
+ ([conn control]
+ (with-connection conn
+ (continuously (mb/send control (read-from-connection conn))))))
+(defn dispatch-event
+ "Dispatches/executes an event in the control thread's mailbox queue."
+ ([ev conn]
+ (let [[action & args] ev]
+ (cond
+ (= action :emacs-rex)
+ (let [[form-string package thread id] args
+ thread (thread-for-evaluation thread conn)]
+ (mb/send thread `(eval-for-emacs ~form-string ~package ~id)))
+ (= action :return)
+ (let [[thread & ret] args]
+ (binding [*print-level* nil, *print-length* nil]
+ (write-to-connection conn `(:return ~@ret))))
+ (one-of? action
+ :presentation-start :presentation-end
+ :new-package :new-features :ed :percent-apply
+ :indentation-update
+ :eval-no-wait :background-message :inspect)
+ (binding [*print-level* nil, *print-length* nil]
+ (write-to-connection conn ev))
+ (= action :write-string)
+ (write-to-connection conn ev)
+ (one-of? action
+ :debug :debug-condition :debug-activate :debug-return)
+ (let [[thread & args] args]
+ (write-to-connection conn `(~action ~(thread-map-id thread) ~@args)))
+ (= action :emacs-interrupt)
+ (let [[thread & args] args]
+ (dosync
+ (cond
+ (and (true? thread) (seq @active-threads))
+ (.stop #^Thread (first @active-threads))
+ (= thread :repl-thread) (.stop #^Thread @(conn :repl-thread)))))
+ :else
+ nil))))
+;; Main loop definitions
+(defn control-loop
+ "A loop that reads from the mbox queue and runs dispatch-event on
+ it (will block if no mbox control message is available). This is
+ intended to only be run on the control thread."
+ ([conn]
+ (binding [*1 nil, *2 nil, *3 nil, *e nil]
+ (with-connection conn
+ (continuously (dispatch-event (mb/receive (current-thread)) conn))))))